Bold from the Depths

Bold from the Depths

Go Forth From The Depths

When we started Bold in the Soul this month I was, admittedly, a bit confused by what it meant. I know how to be bold, that’s for sure! But the word “soul” in combination with bold became an elusive term to me. As one who grasps tightly to context, I began digging into what the Lord had for us on the quest for wholeness and freedom with Revelation Wellness®. While the word soul has often been distorted to seem far away and out of reach, our creative God invented this word to be holy and highly personal.

What is the SOUL? Defined, soul is the essence of our being, uniquely created by the One who strung every star in the sky and painted every freckle on our nose. When He formed us in our mother’s womb, God expertly interlaced special qualities into the core of each person. Our soul is where our passions grow and sparks fire. And when in alignment with the Holy Spirit, the soul is the grounding place from which we make a holy mark in the world around us as we operate boldly in our God-given gifts and callings.

I look to King David, a man after God’s own heart who loudly and frequently directed his soul to bless the Lord. David daily made the choice to set His affections toward God even down to the depths–his soul. But I also see that this King and chosen one of the Most High fell royally–just like I do–slipping out of holy alliance with God’s Spirit.

A mucked up soul is what I call it, those fateful days when…

~My time with the Lord just didn’t happen
~I have sin I haven’t repented of yet
~My pride swells up and I fly my “flag of self” high for all to see
~My worship turns to trifles instead of His eternal glory

While these are only a drop in the bucket of what threatens to muck up my soul, I’ve boiled things down to one culprit: living in the flesh. Our flesh is that selfish nature of our being. Romans 8:6 reminds us that a mind focused on the flesh is doomed to death, but a mind focused on the Spirit brings life and complete peace. YES! That is the soul place, the Spirit-led state where we peel off the layers of our selfish flesh to live arms-wide-open in worship of Jesus. The flesh locks us up in sin, intimidation, pride, and shrinking back. The Spirit-led soul flourishes in freedom, peace, assurance and love.

When we live bold in the soul lives, we open the door for others to do the same.

As we wrap up this transforming challenge to boldly seek after the Lord for who He created us to be from the depths of our soul, I would like to encourage you with some journal prompts. These will help continue a conversation between you and Jesus to allow Him to keep speaking into your heart. Grab your pen, a journal and some water. Maybe even squeeze some lemon in it for fun–Alisa would be proud of that! Take some quiet space to journal through these prompts or just start pouring your heart out to Him. Let us bless the Lord with our souls!

Take these journal starters and finish the sentence or just use them as jumping off points.

~Father God, I am sorry and I repent of what mucks up my soul… (Get specific here)

~Thank You for the Cross. Thank You for Your love and forgiveness when I royally mess up…

~Lord, I want to live boldly out of the depths of my soul. What does this look like to You?

~Show me the sweet ways that You have created me uniquely. Lord, whisper to my heart how You smile when You look upon me…your creation…

After you’ve taken some journaling time, I invite you to declare to live BOLD IN THE SOUL:

~I will be confident that I am unique and God’s chosen one…

~I will live loved…

~I will operate out of Spirit led peace instead of striving…

~I will grab the hands of others and lead them toward their freedom in Christ to live the bold in the soul ways God has planned for their lives…

Now, take these I Will statements and GO! Go live! Go move! Go make your holy mark on the world in the name of Jesus! Amen!


Sarah Martin is a wife, mom, author, speaker, wannabe artist and now calls herself a Revelation Wellness Instructor. Be sure to connect with Sarah on Instagram: @sarahfmartin



Ready for a great #wednesdayworkout?  Join Amia, a Revelation Wellness Instructor, for a FUN drumstick workout!  “COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE” –  Grab your paint stir sticks, whatever you can click together and get ready to move to the beat. This workout will be a surprisingly fun and challenging time! May your heart and lungs move in time with His beating love for you!


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2 Responses

  1. Can I just say how much I’m blessed by this write-up?! I’ve never commented after reading one of these, but they always bless me! Thank you for using your God-given talent to bless me 🙂

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