It’s There For The Taking

It’s There For The Taking

Webster dictionary defines the word renew: to make new, restore to freshness, to restore to existence.  

Renewal is what happens when we are spiritually, physically, and emotionally restored to our original design.

“Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God. In other words, it was through the Anointed One that God was shepherding the world, not even keeping records of their transgressions, and he has entrusted to us the ministry of opening the door of reconciliation to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-19


Lincoln Brewster has a song called Made New. Stop what you are doing and go look up the lyrics, listen to the song and just be still in it. I have heard this song tons of times but never truly heard the words and the truths in this song. My favorite part is when it says, “you hold my head up, you remind me who I am, I’m alive in you again, I’m made new, I’m made new.”  God gives us a chance daily, every moment, to allow Him to come in and sweep out the rooms of our house as He makes us new.  

This is not only for certain people or only in certain circumstances. This is a PROMISE and DECLARATION from our good Papa for us to believe heart, mind, and soul. This is a Truth that we must meditate on daily and ask God to help our unbelief. In Mark 9:24 after the boy was healed, his father says “I believe, help my unbelief.” God does not stand in the corner tapping His foot waiting for us to finally believe. He lovingly comes alongside us and gently reminds us of His love and promise to give us fresh mercies every morning…..a clean slate to start new.  

Lately, I’ve spent some intentional meditation time where I just sit and breathe slowly and deeply to calm my body and my senses. I then imagine my favorite spot on the grass by the pond and as I continue to sit and pay close attention to my breath, I see my Father coming by the water to sit with me. Each time I do this it gets a little more real. The emotions become real and raw. This is a daily ritual that my heart longs for. In this moment He is always faithful remind me that it is a new day.

And this new day and new beginning is mine for the taking.

The other day I saw Him take my head in His hand and just lift it to catch His sweet gaze and full approval of me.  

Do you feel stuck, like you can’t let yourself off the hook for something you have or have not done? Just as I learned in my quiet space with the Lord, I encourage you to sit with your Abba and ask Him to help you.  

Do you truly believe you are made new? Do you believe you are a NEW creature?

New means that your past and your mistakes do not define you today and in the future. They do not define your value.  You are MADE NEW.  Let’s start believing this and encourage each other as we do life in this community.   

 Rachel Slagle is a Nurse, a lover of people and a Revelation Wellness Instructor in Indiana.

It’s #WorkoutWednesday!

Just in time for Valentine’s Day we have a RevWellTV workout all about a “New Heart.” Join Kristen in this Tabata workout which is good for your heart and soul! A monthly donation for as little as $10 a month gets you access to our vast RevWellTV library of joy-filled workouts.


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4 Responses

  1. Thank you Kristen. GOD spoke through you right to some wounded places in my heart today. When you said, “it’s on Him” He use that moment to show me that I didn’t fail Him when my marriage failed. He reminded me that He’s the one who led me into that marriage, Who helped me to love my husband with everything that I had available to me by His grace, and it was my husband who chose to leave. God used that time to refine me in ways that would not have happened otherwise and use that time to shine His light of love into that man’s life. My now ex-husband is the one who chose to run away from the Light. And today, GOD, in that moment when you were talking, told me “baby girl that’s on Me… you did not fail Me.”

    Then God also decided to hit on this area that I’ve been sitting in for the last year (longer if you include the 2 yrs of emotionally and verbally abusive marriage) and that’s feeling of “too broken” in so many ways. I was afraid to even try to work out because I was afraid that I was to physically out of shape and broken, but I jumped off the couch and did this Tabata workout with you today, and God whispered to me “you are not broken.” So thank you for your faithfulness and serving Him and allowing Him to touch others through you.

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