Why would God care about my butt and my gut?

Why would God care about my butt and my gut?

What if I told you that your butt and your gut are connected? Physically and spiritually.

Physically speaking a weak butt and gut can affect the natural strong curve of the spine that we were purposed to have. All good movement originates from a healthy spine. If you suffer from low back, hip or knee pain, this video is a must watch. In the first 12 minutes of this video, allow me to teach you how these two major muscle movers work and how to pay attention to them when you move!

It’s important that you know that you can do crunches until the cows come home and still have a painful pooch (that contributes to compression in the low back) and excess inches in the waistline. We need to train your transverse abdominal muscle. And your glutes (butt muscles) often get bullied by your quadriceps (front of the thighs), even though the glutes are, by nature, bigger in size than your quadriceps, causing more compression in the spine and even down to the knees. Those glutes are great example of how we can’t judge a book (or butt) by it’s cover (or size).

Spiritually speaking your gut, your inmost being, is the seat of your appetites. It’s why we say things like “I just know it in my gut.” Your inmost being is where God is found. People who follow Christ are willing to be connected to their deepest places of desire and are they are bold and courageous. Let’s face it..it’s not pretty there. There are things in the deepest parts of me that would offend most. But not our good Abba Father. He delights in my mess because that’s where he gets to work. I can not clean up my own mess in my inmost places. Only God can.

Do this workout 2-3x a week to start and let me know how it goes for you.

Peace friends,

Alisa Keeton



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