God has called Revelation Wellness to be a global ministry to all nations. With every instructor trained, ambassador equipped, podcast recorded, RevWell TV workout produced, program created, and free resource offered, God’s love is at the forefront.

Because of generous donors like you, 128 Ambassadors have been trained and equipped in 16 countries. And we know He’s not done mobilizing these individuals to be His hands and feet in hurting, dark, overlooked populations.

But we need your help to continue to fulfill this mission of taking the love of Jesus to people around the world through physical and mental health practices. Give today to empower the spread of the Gospel to the ends of the earth!

Are you a Canadian donor?  CLICK HERE  to donate.

World Map Showing Ambassadors locations

“These workouts have been life-giving as I navigate through postpartum anxiety and learning how to be a mom. Thank you!”

“It’s not just a dollar. This is an investment into the Kingdom. Every single dollar goes to a real person. I get to touch those real people, and I’m so grateful for what you’ve given to our ministry and will continue to give.”

“I experienced trauma and anxiety that I thought would completely break me, and I’ve been on a health journey to be the strongest and healthiest I can be – body, mind and spirit. RW has been instrumental in getting where I am today. I am honored to support you!”

For questions about giving, please email