Is your hustle holy?

Is your hustle holy?

faith and fitness

Do you want to know if your “hustle” is holy?

Ask yourself this question: “Am I being motivated by fear?” If the answer is yes, go deeper. Am I afraid of being fat? Afraid of being poor? Of being less than or not enough? Our modern culture has taken the art of supercharging our fears and using them to turn the weight-loss and fitness wheel for far too long. So here’s the invitation: You don’t have to be another cog in the wheel. You don’t have to be a gamepiece. Break free. Stop playing.

Your jailbreak can start today by turning and confessing your fear to the God who created you. Only He can drive out fear with His perfect love.
He is truly, madly and deeply in love with you. As for your role? Sink in and settle down into His love. Let Him tell you who you are. Let His love rise, taking shape inside of you. Let Him plant the seed of love in your heart, asking Him what is needed for that seed to grow. He will not overwhelm you with a million things to do. He will not remind you of your many failures. If you hear that voice, in the name of Jesus, tell it to go back to where it came from! Send that message back unopened. Instead, listen for that still, small voice to tell you the one simple thing to do. Then start there and DO (hustle) that!

Your “hustle” won’t look like the sexy, seductive, sleek version that the world is fixated on. Instead, you’ll have a “holy hustle”, an everlasting, never failing, “moving to the rhythms of grace” love that won’t ever be taken away from you.

This kind of love is the greatest calorie burner and excess fat-extractor for the human soul. Let love have it’s way with you.

Less hustle. More love.

What does this look like? Check out this video from our most recent Revelation Wellness Instructor Training retreat. It’s exactly what we are talking about and are all about- faith and fitness, expressing itself through love.

If this video gets you excited, it’s because we are connecting with your original design. God is speaking to you, through fitness. We would love to train you up and send you out to start your own contagious faith and fitness love revolution.

And in closing, never forget…God is not interested in making you look beautiful. He’s interested in making HIMSELF magnified and most beautiful, through you. He is about His glory. So if you are looking for God to do something for you and are not willing to give more of yourself to Him, not willing to live freely, learning from Him how to follow, then go ahead and keep your hustle. Forget for now that you even read this post. His offer to “hustle” for you will never expire. When you are ready to do it His way, He will welcome you gladly, and we bless you to come on home.

His love..



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