Move Your Body and Heart Closer to God through 21 Days of Walking Prayer

If you’re feeling worn out, overwhelmed, and in need of good health without striving or turning on your step tracker or calorie counter, then join us for Walking the Words of Jesus: 21 Days of Walking Prayer.

We begin together May 6, exclusively in the
RW+ Membership.
Sign up today to join us!

For 21 days, you’ll bring your body and your mind closer to God as you journey through the words of Jesus. 

Each day you’ll walk and pray through scripture with an audio recording as your guide. With each daily walk only 20 minutes long, you can easily fit them in any time throughout your day!

Only 20 minutes a day.

Walking the Words of Jesus

Based on what we read in scripture, it’s estimated that Jesus himself walked an average of up to 20 miles per day during his ministry. As He walked, He taught His disciples — they heard His Words as they walked with Him.

We’re going to do the same. For 21 days you’ll walk and pray through scripture with an audio recording as your guide. Each walk will take you into the Words of Jesus and prompt you to engage with the Word in prayer. You won’t just listen to the words, but process and walk the words of Jesus. You’ll put feet to your faith as you follow the One who gave us His Word.

What You Get in 21 Days of Walking Prayer

• 21 days of guided walking prayer

• Training videos on proper walking form to avoid muscle aches & how to breathe better 

• Weekly training videos with Alisa Keeton, founder of Revelation Wellness

• A community Facebook group for coaching, accountability & motivation

• Printable daily progress calendar with scriptures

• A renewed passion for loving God and seeking His heart in prayer

• A revived heart of worship

• Transformation in your body, mind, and spirit as you move your feet and pray

• Access to the content for one year from purchase date


You want to expand your prayer life or develop daily disciplines around prayer.

You want to put feet to your faith and dig deeper into God’s Word.

You currently don’t have a regular exercise routine and know that walking is a great place to begin.

You tend to obsess over or overtrain your body and you want to get back in touch with movement that isn’t about counting calories, strength gains, weight loss, or closing your exercise ring.

You’re a regular exerciser who wants to incorporate more NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) into your daily routine.


Something transformative happens in our brains and our bodies when we move our feet and hear God’s truth. Bringing your whole self — mind, body, and spirit — to engage in His Word creates new understanding.

Walking has been proven to lower stress, anxiety, and depression and a host of other physical health ailments that come from either moving too little in neglect of your body OR too much due to obsessing over your body.

Taking a walk — just for the sake of taking a walk and not for a workout — is beneficial for getting back in touch with the joy of having a good body, made by God, for good works.

Read more about the amazing benefits of walking for your mind, body, and spirit on this RW Blog Post


Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, also known as NEAT, shows us it’s the amount of everyday movement, not just the intensity, that helps with weight loss and improves overall health. So instead of sitting at your desk for hours, try standing, or add a few squats or jumping jacks to break up your sitting. 

A great way to add more NEAT is to incorporate a daily walk into your routine — not with the goal of working up a sweat, but just to gently move your body. Walking the Words of Jesus will help you kickstart a habit of daily walking.

Small actions have big dividends for your overall health!

Learn more about NEAT in this article: Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis: A NEAT Approach to Weight Loss.

Meet Your Daily Podcast Coaches


Alisa Keeton

Founder, Revelation Wellness

Author, speaker, and freedom bringer, Alisa’s life’s purpose is to make healthy disciples who make healthy disciples. She believes in the power of the Body Of Christ and its many unique parts making up one complete whole. Like any body, it grows best under tension. We are living in the best of times for tension. Let’s train!


Jonnie Goodmanson

Revelation Wellness Program Director & Instructor

Jonnie is a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and anatomy and physiology teacher since 2000. With her pastoral training, she loves to teach God 1st, and health and wellness in the body. She resides in Minnesota.

Brian East

Revelation Wellness Instructor

Brian is a RW Instructor from Platoons 20 (RevFit) and 27 (Rev X). He’s passionate about the presence of God, revealing Jesus, and the integration of body, soul, and spirit through movement. He lives in NC with his wife Tracy (a Platoon 19 grad) and has four kids between 17 and 22 — and an 85 pound chocolate lab!


Testimonies from Previous Walking Prayer Programs