Free Webinar: How to Use Fitness to Change Your Life

January usually brings with it a fresh motivation to implement new habits and a renewed sense of discipline for our health, especially when it comes to fitness.

But as days and months get checked off the calendar, and the newness and excitement wear off, many of us lose our motivation because it was based on making temporary changes.

If you struggle with making exercise a healthy habit OR if you struggle with keeping fitness from becoming all-consuming, we invite you to Alisa Keeton, founder of Revelation Wellness, for this FREE, live webinar: How to Use Fitness to Change Your Life.

We need a new framework for fitness. In this webinar, you’ll learn how fitness holds the potential to change your entire life, even more than the shape of your thighs.

Fitness has been around as long as man. From the days we needed our bodies to find our food and survive a famine up until the present where we need our bodies to go to work and make a paycheck, we’ve all been participating in some form of fitness. But God had more in store for our bodies than just survival.

God, the one who gave you a body, wants to give you a new and abundant life.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

The six things you need to implement in your fitness to make REAL life change
How to find lasting motivation to move your body
The pitfalls and short-sightedness of where we find ourselves today in relation to fitness
How science proves that fitness harnesses potential for real-life change
How to change your framework for fitness so your body will follow
How renewing your mind will change your life