Studio and HQ

Faith & Fitness Studio

Join us for a different kind of workout


You will be challenged with functional workouts that will train your body, mind, heart and spirit. In every fitness class at Revelation Wellness, you can expect an hour of intentional movement infused with a message of hope from the gospel. Classes are offered for free by our generous instructors. Donations are welcomed. Don’t have it? Don’t sweat, join in anyways!


All fitness levels are welcome. We are a place where everybody plays. Our team will ensure you have the tools you need to feel comfortable, welcome and safe for your workouts. All are welcome here.




Class Descriptions

Rev X Strength & Conditioning

RevX Strength and Conditioning classes focus on strength training while working on form and building functional strength using free weights and functional training equipment.

Rev Fit Strength

Rev Fit Strength classes focus on weight training and the muscle conditioning of specific muscle groups, using free weights, circuits and other studio equipment.

Rev Fit Cardio Strength

Rev Fit Cardio Strength classes are a combination of cardio movement including drumsticks, kickboxing, circuits and strength training.

Rev It Up

Rev It Up classes are a mixture of strength training, circuits, cardio sets, athletic drills, balance/stability movements and agility while using studio equipment. Occasional drumsticks or kickboxing work may be added.

Meet the Instructors


Hi, I'm Tammy a certified Revelation Wellness Instructor, and the Revelation Wellness Studio and Headquarters Manager. I have also been a Revelation Wellness Lead Instructor since 2012. I have been in the fitness industry since 2005, and have certifications in NASM Personal Training, AFAA (Athletics and Fitness Association of America) group fitness, Reebok Spin, and Fit for Mom. I am originally from Ohio where I began my fitness journey, and fell in love with weight training. I have always had a heart to help and encourage others to better their health through various types of exercise, and nourishing their body well. After meeting my husband, we moved to Phoenix in 2004 and I worked full-time as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. I soon realized something was missing from my fitness journey and discovered Revelation Wellness. I knew Christ wanted to be involved in ALL parts of my life and through the ministry of Revelation Wellness, I discovered the ability to incorporate Him into health and wellness. My passion is encouraging others to realize their full potential and ability that is through Christ. I have extraordinary ability to help others to step into the places they are being called. Through sharing the Gospel and God's Word while coaching my clients through challenging, yet attainable workouts, we begin to find the strength He provides us to face any challenge the day ahead may hold. Come let me train not only your physical strength, but help build that sustaining strength in your soul that ONLY Christ provides.


My name is Elizabeth, and I am a certified Revelation Wellness Instructor from Platoon 30! I have worked in the fitness industry for many years. I was AFAA certified (Athletics and Fitness Association of America) and taught all types of group fitness classes for 15 years, as well as being the Group Exercise Manager at one club for two years.

I grew up a dancer and taught dance for many years. My love of music and choreography naturally evolved into my fitness career. I was introduced to Revelation Wellness in 2023 when I attended a Rev on the Road in Phoenix. It was a life changing weekend for me! God used that weekend to put the calling of my faith and love of fitness on my heart – I knew this is how God wanted me to serve others.

While in Revelation Wellness Training, God used the Bible study to bring me closer to Him, as well as heal my mind and soul from all the lies I held over myself from being in the fitness industry for so long. I no longer carry the weight of the unattainable standard I put on myself. I know that my body is good, strong, and will be used to glorify Him! I am THRILLED to be teaching fitness classes and hope to see you in class soon!

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get crown that will not last, but WE do it to get a crown that WILL last forever.”

1 Corinthians 9:25

you are wanted

Calling Phoenix 

Fitness Teachers Gospel Preachers

If you are a Revelation Wellness Instructor in the Phoenix area looking for a space to teach classes, host a Bible study or simply a place to gather community, we are opening this space for you!

Complete the form below to talk with our Studio and Headquarter Manager.


We train people like you to use physical and mental health practices to spread the love of Jesus

Let us equip you to lead others to health and wholeness through Christ through one of our faith-based training programs - Revelation Fitness, RevX, RevWild, and LiveWell

Revelation Wellness 

Studio and Headquarters

10818 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix, Arizona

Contact our Studio and Headquarters Manager at 

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