Regularly $39, but you can now gain access to this program and 12 others for only $25/month through the RW+ Membership.

Do you need a reset?

Have you developed unhealthy food habits to manage your stress?

Does thinking about food consume too much of your mental space?

Do you feel powerless to control your food cravings?

Do you use food as an emotional crutch, but you don’t know how to stop?

Have you struggled with years of dieting extremes, obsessing and neglecting, only to accept that this is your fate in life?

Have you lost hope that you can do anything else to improve your health?

Maybe you’re just plain overwhelmed and confused by all of the health info you find online that gives you conflicting messages about how to eat and what to eat.

We’re going to silence the noise, end the confusion, and learn how to walk in true food freedom in the 21-Day Sugar Fast.

What You Get in the Sugar Fast

» Daily devotionals & Sugar Fast education

» Daily prayer prompts to help you focus on loving others throughout your fast

» Gentle movement calendar with Rev on the Mat, stretching & flexibility videos 

» Reving the Word podcasts and Be Still & Be Loved podcasts – all conducive to being on a fast

» Recipe suggestions for breakfast, lunch & dinner

» Food lists of what to eat and what to avoid

» At home self-analysis and questions to determine if you have candida overgrowth

» Access to our private community Facebook group for additional coaching and accountability

» Live coaching calls from our experts

» Daily progress calendar to keep you accountable as you check off each day


You’ll receive daily devotionals that teach you how to delight in the discipline of fasting, as well as a daily practical teaching about the science behind fasting from sugar.

You can choose to fast from only added sugar, or fast from all foods that break down in your body as sugar. Or you can choose to fast from any type of sugar the Lord is inviting you to fast from!

We’ll show you what all of these fasts look like. Ultimately, it’s between you and the Lord. There is no right or wrong way to participate.

This is NOT another diet plan, it's a Fast.

Life can be overwhelming, exhausting, and just plain hard. Many of us turn to food to help us cope with the stress we’re facing. 

You don’t need another hot diet trend to get you back on track. None of us do. We want to guide you with wisdom and grace and show you how to walk in true freedom when it comes to your relationship with food. That’s why we created the 21-Day Sugar Fast.

If you’re ready to grow deeper in your faith by saying NO to sugar and YES to a deeper relationship with God, this program is for you! 

God will reveal His wisdom and lead you to the lasting wellness you’re longing for. You don’t have to stay stuck in the same sickness, pain, confusion, shame, or hopelessness you’ve been experiencing.

If you’re ready for a healthy God-centered reset for your mind, gut, and body, join us for the 21-Day Sugar Fast.


Fasting has become quite a buzz word in the fitness and wellness industry. Chances are you’ve entertained the idea of fasting, or maybe even felt the pressure to try a fast because everyone else is talking about it!


We’re going to focus on the substance in our food that is currently taking the modern world captive. It’s destroying your body’s God-given ability to recover from illness and protect you from future sickness and disease. It’s no surprise that the substance we’re talking about is sugar.


You may be thinking, ‘but I eat sugar and I’m not really sick!’ The reality is, you could be sick and not even know it! 

We’re going to drop the pin on how much sugar you’re really consuming because we all need to be aware! Self-awareness precedes transformation, and what isn’t revealed in our lives will not get healed!

If you know you don’t need another passing diet trend, but you long for freedom in your body, this 21-day Sugar Fast is for you!


Our guts are filled with neurotransmitters and act as a second brain. This is why sometimes we don’t cognitively know why we make the decision we make but we “feel it in our gut.” 


Too much sugar in our diets can cause “brain damage” to our guts. For some people, too much sugar can cause a leaky gut – the weakening of the stomach wall, allowing bacteria and toxins to leak into the bloodstream. (Like sewer water leaking into our drinking water).


This leakage can affect the way we think (brain fog), feel (low energy), and move (body aches, joint pain, and bloating). It also opens the door for chronic inflammation and disease in our bodies.


Low Energy

Digestive Issues (chronic diarrhea, constipation, gassiness, bloating) 

Chronic Pain

Weight Gain

Poor Sleep

Mood Swings &






Hormone Imbalances

Lack of Motivation 


Heart disease

& Other Chronic Illness


The fitness and weight loss worlds have been borrowing the idea of fasting for some time now, but it’s first & foremost a spiritual discipline. Fasting was founded and exercised as a spiritual practice, NOT a way to lose weight. Fasting was initially God’s good idea — a way for us to measure the weight of our hearts and not the weight of our bodies.

Fasting resets the affections of our hearts from the challenging circumstances around us (hello, 2020!) to the things of God. It’s from this place of seeking God where we receive His peace. 

When we fast from our comforts, we find the God of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:4). In our discomfort, we hear His voice more clearly, and then well-being for our minds, divine health for our bodies, and gladness of soul show up.

Yes! You were made to hear God speak! You will hear God speak to you! Learn more about this in the Sugar Fast!


This Jesus-loving power team of certified wellness professionals with over four decades of combined experience will lead you to the freedom you’ve been longing for by combining a scientific knowledge of fasting with a heart to seek FIRST the wisdom of God.


Jana is a wife, mother, Revelation Wellness Instructor, and Doctor who loves Jesus. She is on mission to educate, inspire, and equip people to love God, get healthy, be whole, and love others! She is determined to walk alongside others in the freedom, authenticity, and grace of Christ that led her to the freedom and health she never dreamed was possible!

Alisa is a leading certified wellness professional with more than 25 years of experience. She is passionately dedicated to serving the Lord and is the founder of Revelation Wellness. To date, she and her team have trained and sent out over 2000 wellness professionals who carry the message of what it means to love God, get healthy, be whole, and love others.


"Experience Clarity Like Never Before"

"Find freedom in your food choices"

This fast was quite literally life-changing for me. I grew up eating out of a box and up until now, I’ve had very little knowledge about healthy eating. I’ve tried here and there to make healthy choices, but this fast taught me so much about reading labels. I had no idea how many items have sugar in them, let alone how much. 

I’ve struggled with chronic joint pain for 10+ years, so in addition to ridding myself of joint pain, I was hopeful to lose a little bit of weight as well. I’m relatively thin, but any extra weight makes a huge difference when you have joint pain. However, once I began the fast my eyes quickly went from being on my body to being on God. I’ve never felt closer to Him than I do now. I’m a full-time missionary and I love the Lord with all my heart, but this fast reset and reordered things in my life.”

-Haley F.

I lost 11 lbs during the fast. I’m grateful for that. He is restoring the years that the locusts have eaten. His Presence is worth so much more than any treat ever would be. He is worth the sacrifice. And He is teaching me that I am worth more than the garbage I used to eat to fill the empty places. I loved what Alisa said in the last Be Still and Be Loved—my body may bear the marks of Egypt, but I am now walking in the Promised Land and enjoying the milk and honey here, and I don’t want to ever go back.”

-Stacy B.

“I have been overweight most of my life. I’ve been on many diets and I’ve failed many diets but accepted that this was a fast and my gaze was set on God, which is what made this experience different. Even compared to other Rev Well challenges, this one was much different. My idols – sugar & carbs (my comforts) were removed and I finally felt EMPTY in the best way imaginable. I didn’t crave or want the food because my craving for Jesus was bigger. I finally realized it’s okay to feel empty & not hungry – a strange feeling to describe. This is breakthrough. This is revolutionary & life-changing — for me, my husband & family. Clearing out my closet has made room for my royal robes!”

-Natalie A.