The Soil of Our Hearts

The Soil of Our Hearts


“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen. 8:22

God’s promise is that our lives will bear a holy rhythm that reflects the natural rhythm of the earth. Planting seed, watering, weeding, waiting and finally, harvesting is a natural picture of how God works in our lives and through our lives. In every season, harvest is reflected. From the seeming barrenness of winter, where it looks as if nothing is happening, to the hard work of the actual harvest, God is always working for His glory and our good. The greatest key to a continuous harvest of righteousness is maintaining the ground of our hearts.

In Mark 4:1-20, and Matthew 13:1-23, Jesus shares the parable of the sower. Please go and read one, or both of those passages when you have a quiet minute. Here is the summation of what Jesus shares – our hearts are soil. They can be hard, rocky, shallow, thorny or good. The sower freely sowed the seed – but the growth of those seeds depended on the condition of the soil.

How is your heart?  Is your heart filled with the rocks of offense or pride? Does fear prove a thorn that chokes out God’s peace in your heart? Is there a hardness that keeps the seeds of truth from growing? Unforgiveness, bitterness, anxiety – all of these things rob our lives of the harvest God has for us. Jesus goes on to say that those whose hearts are good soil “represent those who truly heart and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of 30, 60, or even 100 times as much as had been planted!” (Mt. 13:23 NLT)

God’s word is good seed that falls on our hearts – what does your soil look like? We have been planting our garden for almost 4 seasons now, and I’m struck by the struggle to grow good plants when the soil has been depleted. I have watched my seedlings struggle to even emerge from the soil, and then fail to grow, because of the condition of the soil. Ironically, in that same soil, weeds seem to thrive. As I work in the earth, adding in the nutrients and fertilizers that restore its ability to grow good plants, I see the hand of God. None of our hearts are too depleted for Him to restore. Maybe you have suffered betrayal, heart-break, or tragedy. Sometimes things happen that are outside our own control, and yet deplete us. Other times, our own sin or bitterness draw the life out of our hearts.

How do we replenish the soil of our hearts?

“Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matt. 11:28-30

Jesus invites us into His presence – time with Him, repentance and obedience remove the thorns, the rocks, and soften the hard places.  He is inviting you – “Will you let Me restore your heart and soul?”

The harvest is yours, dear one. The Lord of the harvest delights in you and has so much more for you. Come close.

  Heather Johnson – Revelation Wellness Director of Culture, Instructor

Time to move in joy and worship! Here is your #wednesdayworkout from RevWellTV! Join Kristen Ulin, Revelation Wellness Director of Events and Instructor for this Total Body Strength workout!

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