When We Aren’t Hungry for God

When We Aren’t Hungry for God

I want to jump into this topic and get super honest with you about something that can happen in my relationship with God.

Sometimes my faith is blah.

Sometimes I don’t want to worship God because I’m feeling “meh” about life.

Sometimes I don’t desire to reach for His Word or talk to Him in prayer.

Let’s all just agree this is a thing for everyone, right?

Sometimes we just aren’t hungry for God.

What does it mean in the depths of our souls when we move throughout our days in bland, blah, meh faith? Let’s be honest. Life is often about the day-to-day minutia: scrubbing the dinner dishes, plugging away at our work, mastering the art of the carpool line, or meal prepping our way to a healthy week of eating. If we don’t stay alert and awake, these day-to-day happenings can lull us into an inactive relationship with Jesus marked by the mundane, the mindless, and the routine.

That’s not what He has for us. That’s not what He wants for us.

We are all humans living in a world where little social media squares with perfectly curated and edited images tell us lies such as: your life isn’t exciting enough, you were left out of that party, your body doesn’t measure up to a #transformationtuesday post. Then lies escalate into statements and questions: I don’t have the blessings from God that others seem to have. God is withholding from me. Can I really trust that God is who He says that He is?

A hunger for God and satisfaction in His presence, goodness, and love will vanquish the lies we conjure up or allow to invade our peace.

May I share three very personal ways that God has stirred up this hunger in me when the blah kicks in? These are life practices to cultivate and lean into when everything in you wants to check out and settle for the mundane, the mindless, and the routine.

Just show up. Even when we don’t want to sit still in silence to better hear God’s voice, simply releasing our pride and humbly making room for His Word can stir our hearts. Showing up to be with Him gives space for the Holy Spirit to reveal what is causing our lack of hunger to surface, and prepares our hearts to experience His movement in our lives.

I love the story in Matthew 15 where Jesus spends time in the countryside ministering to many who came with all sorts of ailments and afflictions. The crowd had been with him for three days, and Jesus was unwilling to send them away hungry. From the seven loaves and a few fish that the disciples had, the Lord provided enough food for the entire crowd of 4,000 to eat until satisfied (Matthew 15:37)! All who came that day found not only their bellies filled, but their souls refreshed as they discovered Jesus of Nazareth to be the Son of God. It seems clear that those who showed up on that day were spiritually satisfied and that their faith was invigorated!  

When we simply show up to be with our God, we begin to hunger for more of who He is. And every single time, He graciously provides in abundance.

Just Ask. What if it is as simple as asking God to give us a greater desire for Himself? To ask Him to help us move beyond the blah into feeling saturated by His fulfilling presence? I have to believe this is a request that He won’t deny us.

Every single day, maybe even minute-by-minute, let this be our prayer: Lord, give me a heart that hungers for You. Amen.

And as our hearts begin to grow in hunger for God and we ask for His help turn from blah and dry to well-watered and nourished, we will begin to see what was blocking our view of His goodness and love, depleting our desire for Him. Quickly repent and turn away from what He highlights as sin in your life– those things that are creating unnecessary distance between you and God. The One who deeply desires us to sit, be, worship, play, work, create, rest, and breathe deeply with Him is always quick to forgive. In Christ, God has forever given you a way back to Himself,  and He delights to see His children repent and turn back to Him every single day.

So friends, just show up, just ask, just allow space for repentance. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Turn to your God in faith and repentance, and move from dry, blah faith to fierce hunger and abundant living.

Sarah Martin is a wife, mom, author and wanna be artist. She is also a Revelation Wellness instructor in Texas. Read more from Sarah on Instagram @sarahfmartin

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SARAH B’S FULL LENGTH CARDIO STRENGTH – “RISING ABOVE THE STORM” This workout will flip-flop you back and forth between cardio and resistance training.  Sure to keep your body guessing.  Muscle confusion?  No big deal.  God is never confused about us.  Get comfortable being uncomfortable!


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4 Responses

  1. What a powerful word this morning. The Pricilia Shier quote about the eagle using the storm to rise above and go higher really spoke to me in my situation. Thank you.

  2. Oh how i can relate to having bland, blah, meh faith at times. MoreOver, the thoughts that God is holding out on me, or blessing others and not me, can totally be a result.
    The practical wAys you’ve outlined in this Blog post to overcome those moments of Blandness, is exactly ehat i’ve been. I remind myself that my feelings Are fickle. That i must show up anyway. I’ve never Walked away having regretted showinf up.
    In the days and weeks to come, i’ll be praying that very sImple prayer, “Lord, Give me a Hunger For you. AMen”
    Blessings to you sweet sister!

  3. A friend recently asked How I was? I RePlied- “I think I’m in need of a heart check. I am having to fight laziness and eating when I’m not hungry. I don’t feel like cleaning, doing school(we homeschool), making meals and just following through in parenting. I just need some good one on one time with Jesus and do the next right thing. How Are you?” Your message camE aT just the righ time. It was a Gift! Thank you for the Encouragement!

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