This isn’t about getting fit quick

This isn’t about getting fit quick

If you’re like me, after the holiday celebrations of Christmas and New Years, you’re ready for a course correction. The holiday season always takes me out of my regular rhythms.

Maybe you’re thinking through some possible resolutions. You’re setting goals, making plans about how to form some healthy habits, and how to create lasting change. That’s certainly me. In the past few months, I have noticed some patterns forming that I know I do not want to continue. Discipline can be difficult for me.

Two years ago, I was very uncomfortable in my skin. My body carried a lot of excess of weight, which had been the case from high school into my late thirties. I knew something needed to change, but I just couldn’t do it. I tried big-name diets, extreme fasting diets, crazy pills that promised mind-blowing results. I signed up for gym memberships and worked out hard. I shamed and guilted myself. I compared my body to everyone around me. None of it worked. I lost weight, but not for long. I always went back to old habits of eating and not exercising, feeling worse about myself. I was always doing it in my own strength, in my own way, on my timetable.

What I’ve learned–not just in my mind but experientially–over the past two years since getting involved with Revelation Wellness is that the little things matter. The world around us revolves around the instant, the big, the noisy, and tries to find the fastest way to “self-actualize.” God’s way is different. His way is far better, quieter, kinder, and focuses our hearts on who He is instead of who we are. In my journey toward freedom with food and from comparison in fitness, God has shown me that it starts with going small.

Jesus was always using small things to illustrate how the kingdom of God operates: mustard seeds, yeast, salt, three loaves and two fish, a widow’s mite, children. Jesus was also the one who showed us that our freedom is found in the quiet places, in solitude and silence, working from rest with our Heavenly Father (Luke 5:16). Jesus shows us that everything flows from our relationship with God. It’s why Paul says to young Timothy that “physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).

It’s why the book of Proverbs tells us,

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” -Proverbs 3:5-8

That doesn’t mean any of this is easy. The hardest thing I’ve ever done is follow Jesus. Obedience means pressing in and clawing my way to Him every day. The tyranny of the urgent is always trying to steal my time from being with my Savior. Surrendering my will to His can often take a monumental effort. Trusting Him when I want to take control of a situation and doing it His way instead is a little taste of dying to myself. The battle rages on. Will we contend for what’s best at the cost of what is easy or immediate?

At the same time, when I give Him my “yes”, when I fight for time spent with God, resting in His love for me, allowing His desires to influence my desires, I find grace, power, and strength. From there I can do the very things God calls me to, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I find that the fruit of the Spirit is growing in me. As I rest and cease striving to do life on my own, I find freedom when it comes to food and fitness. That’s where I find the discipline I need to maintain my freedom.

When I was young and things got tough, my dad would sing, “One day at a time, sweet Jesus, one day at a time.” When things are tough now, I find myself singing this to myself and to my kids. It’s a call to rest with Jesus and let Him give me what I need for that day.

You can figure out your meals ahead of time, be aware of nutritional information, set goals, and schedule your daily workout, but first and foremost, start with your relationship with God. Submit your goals and plans to Him, and then let Him gently and kindly tell you what His goals and plans are for you. Work all of this out alongside your Lord as He guides you into true freedom.

Wes Scheu is a Revelation Wellness Instructor from Denver, CO. He’s also a husband to Erin, and a father to their three children, Isaiah, Brynna, and Lydia, and a pastor. He loves caring for people, seeing them grow in their relationship with Jesus, and helping them understand their God-given identity.

You can contact him at



Thank you for joining us this week on the Revelation Wellness Blog! We hope you enjoy this blog series on The Little Way Challenge! The sign-ups for The Little Way are closed, but you can still follow along on Facebook and Instagram. We’ll share tips and truth about how to live healthy and whole the little way.

Workout with us in this #wednesdayworkout! For more workouts like this, visit RevWellTV!


 Strengthen and lengthen while training your flexibility in this workout! (ALL LEVELS) (NO EQUIPMENT)



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34 Responses

  1. I’m loving this lifestyle change for myself!!! I am a WIfe to the most awesome husband on the planet!!! I am a mother of 5 healthy beautiful children!!! We are business owners of a very blessed by God business!!! I was raised in a Christian home THANK YOU JESUS! MY DAD IS AN AMAZING PASTOR. GOD FIRST HAS ALWAYS BEEN PRIORITY BUT AS ALL.OF US KNOW WE LET LIFE GET IN THE WAY AND BECOME WAY BUSIER THAN GOD EVER INTENDED FOR US TO BE. WITH THIS WAKING UP AND HAVING TIME WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST AND ENJOYING BECOMING A BETTER ME!!!!! THANK YOU ALL AND THANK YOU JESUS !!! I pray that God blesses you all Continuously above and beyond what you could ever imagine

    1. We are so glad you are gaining so much freedom and joy from this challenge! We pray you and your family are blessed!

    1. We are so thankful you are here! We pray this tip for staying disciplined but free encourages you throughout the rest of the challenge.

  2. Thank you wes. God was speaking to me through your blog….. i easily get caught up in the stress of the Urgent and the big.
    I am choosing to fight for my quiet time with Jesus!

  3. So thankful i read all the way tHough and didn’t rush to get to the next thing. I will be resting with the Lord today, Being fueled by his love in all that comes my way! Thank you for the little way challenge

  4. Wes, I loved getting to know you a bit at the Platoon 20 retreat and felt there was a depth to your faith that I was drawn to. There is that same depth in this blog! I am praying that these words of wisdom go deep into all our hearts and that His Holy Spirit seals them so that they stick with us while He transforms us from the inside out. THank you!!!

  5. Thank you Wes, I needed this…one day at a time sweet Jesus! One day at a time to complete freedom in christ jesus who strengthens me!

  6. “You can figure out your meals ahead of time, be aware of nutritional information, set goals, and schedule your daily workout, but first and foremost, start with your relationship with God.”

    aMen!! God first. Seek fIrst his kingdom.

    Love this, thanks for sharing!!!

  7. I really loved this, thank-you. Especially the bit about where the discipline (which I have a small history with) is a result of rest. Also how Christ’s examples are the small things…and fighting for the quiet time with god. god’s word is alive. Isn’t it wonderful! 🙂

  8. Thank You, Wes, for sharing your heart and wisdom with us today! Last year was hard. I had a heart attack, parathyroid surgery and walked my momma to heaven along with other things. However, it didn’t change who God was in all of it, and the lessons I learned through everything is the little things matter the most. I loved what you said, “when I give Him my “yes”, when I fight for time spent with God, resting in His love for me, allowing His desires to influence my desires, I find grace, power, and strength.”
    You are speaking such a powerful truth. I’m looking forward to embracing this year with all of its ups and downs, and because we are triune beings, my desire is to align my physical, spiritual and emotional body together again. It is in Him we find our grace, power and strength every day in the little ways! Blessings!

  9. Thank you for Reminding me to make time for jesus and not succumb to Lifes urgencies. The little things do matter.

  10. I’M happy I decided to take on this challenge. I’m also feeling blessed to be a part of this group. It is very important to live a healthy Christian life using a holistic approach!

  11. So good Wes! I too let myself develop habits of overeating during the holiday season and am ready for getting back to good habits again in the new year for long term health and wholeness ♥️ thank you brother for this timely reminder and encouragement #platoon20

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