3 tips to drink more water

3 tips to drink more water

During high school, I worked construction during the hot Indiana summers.  At the end of each day, I craved something cold and refreshing. To keep the calories off, diet soda became my go-to. It was full of flavor, bubbly, and inexpensive. I cooled off on the way home by drinking a Big Gulp from the gas station. What I didn’t consider was all the artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners I consumed.

Over the years, more and more artificial flavors and sweeteners bogged down my body, and it showed. On top of diet sodas, I consumed coffee, beer, Gatorade, and other beverages each day.  I was in a bad way. I was lethargic, had fuzzy thinking at times, and even felt mildly depressed.

What I didn’t realize until just a couple of years ago, is that I wasn’t drinking enough water. I was dehydrated.

A study done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on “Behaviors and Attitudes Associated With Low Drinking Water Intake Among US Adults” in 2007 shows that almost 80% of Americans do not drink enough water. Furthermore, low water intake is associated with multiple unhealthful behaviors.

That means we all need to drink more water. Not more kombucha, or tea, or kefir. More water. It’s so easy to replace what we really need with other things that don’t benefit us the way water does, but we desperately need it.

Water is so necessary to our survival, overall health and wellness that God uses the image of living water in Scripture to describe abundance, cleansing, healing, refreshing and eternal life. Jesus even describes Himself as the living water (John 4:13-14, 7:37-38).

Just a few of the many benefits of staying properly hydrated:

– Keeps your joints lubricated

– Regulates body temperature

– Helps maintain healthy blood pressure

– Keeps your brain functioning well

– Helps deliver oxygen throughout the body

– Reduces appetite and helps with weight loss

– Helps boost performance in exercise

– Helps your body access and absorb vitamins and minerals

Many factors contribute to how much water each person needs, but on average, experts agree the amount of water needed for individuals per day is 12-13 cups for men and 8-9 cups for women. Activity increases our need for more.

3 tips to increase your water intake:

1. So keep water accessible. Carry a water bottle on you and refill it each time you empty it. Turn drinking water into a game and try to meet or beat your record from the day before.

2. Add flavor. “But water is so boring,” you might say. Try adding some muddled mint, sliced cucumber, cut up fruit, or splashes of juice. For a really fun way to add flavor to your water check out Katrina Canfield’s RevTip.

3. Add value to your water drinking by making it devotional. The world around us will sell us all kinds of products and promises to crowd out what we need: Both physical water and the living water that Jesus has to offer us every day. Each time you drink a glass of water, give thanks to the One Who sustains you every day. Give thanks to the One Who offers you all you need to live a godly life, and refreshes your soul, giving you eternal life through His Spirit. This is a great way to help you stay aware of Jesus’ presence throughout the day and to keep you connected to your true source of life. I guarantee the water you receive will help you feel better, work better, and be better.

Today, we challenge you to measure how much water you drink. Take note and be aware! Then, we challenge you to drink more water tomorrow. How do you feel? What do you do to increase your water intake each day? 

Wes Scheu (Platoon 20) is a pastor and the Revelation Wellness Chaplain. He lives in Denver, CO with his wife, Erin (Platoon 19), their three kiddos (Isaiah, Brynna, and Lydia), and their sweet doggy (Luna). He loves hiking, fantasy novels, cooking, and hearing people’s stories.

Thank you for reading this week’s RevTip! We hope these tips help you stay cool and hydrated this summer. If you want to prepare for our Sugar Fast this September, check out The Little Way Challenge! For $24.95, you receive 30 days of devotional content, workouts, menus, recipes, and other resources! Check it out today!


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16 Responses

  1. Great ideas to help with water. this is one that i have difficulty with even though i don’t drink anything else but tea and juice (every now and then). it’s one thing my doctor told me to do because my labwork showed it.

    thanks so much for this!

  2. Great tips! I remind my physical therapy patients every day to drink water. They are all so dehydrated! One lady is actually seeing me because she blacks out and falls. Guess what her doc says is the cause? Dehydration! Will pass your tips along to my patients! Thanks so much for sharing, Wes!

    Susan (Platoon 19)

  3. I love the third comment the most! what a great idea and way to thank God by tying living water and spiritual water together. Thanks:)

  4. Thank you for these water tips! As i shared on the facebook page with my 116 oz container – i dislike the taste of water. Water is a daily challenge. I am going to Write this down in my journal today “ Give thanks to the One Who offers Me all I need to live a godly life, and refreshes your soul, giving Me eternal life through His Spirit.” I’m going to say it out loud every hour when i drink my glass of wateR.

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