5 tips to help your kids eat healthy

5 tips to help your kids eat healthy

healthy kids food

As parents, we only want the best for our kids — spiritually, socially, emotionally, mentally, and even nutritionally. But, sometimes it is difficult for children to do what is best for them. So, we get to help our kids trust that broccoli really is good by teaching them what is good and practicing healthy behaviors with them.

These five tips will help your kids eat healthy (and maybe you too!): 


Our words carry so much weight. We set the narrative for what our children believe. If we declare ‘Death’ “Oh she HATES vegetables!” Then that is what our child will begin to believe. We are careful to not deem any foods as bad or disliked instead, we explain that as we age our taste buds change (Isaiah 43.19). Even if you didn’t enjoy a specific food one day, you may now enjoy it or enjoy it prepared a new way. We always encourage our daughter to try new things and if she isn’t a fan, maybe she will be next time. 


Our children notice if we practice what we preach. If we don’t eat what we ask them to eat, they notice. When our daughter was learning how to eat solid food, we fed her whatever we ate. We didn’t give her an option to eat a meal that was specially prepared for her.  This practice saved a lot of fussing and a lot of time. For example, if we have a spicy dish, we set some veggies and protein aside unseasoned so she still eats the same components of the dish as the rest of the family.


When you have a young child, eating food with proper utensils can be frustrating and boring. Don’t be afraid to let your child eat with different kinds of utensils as they experiment with new foods. The novelty alone may convince them to eat more of the good stuff!

I noticed how much more food Pho spoons held than regular spoons, so I ordered some off Amazon for my daughter to enjoy her cereal and soup. These spoons are fun and they are less messy! Another fun utensil to use is a “foodpick”. These are like toothpicks, but they have fun tops. We have a tomato, unicorn, parsnip, cloud and a rainbow which is much more fun than a normal fork.

Another awesome tip (especially for toddlers), allow them to bring a toy to the table (dinosaur, horse, giraffe, etc.) Help them serve their toy (within reason) and have them eat like their toy too. We may have eaten like Puppies at our table once or twice licking our plate, but the food was consumed and it’s far better than crying!

Lastly, add some sprinkles! We use sprinkles often at breakfast and snacks because it’s FUN and we’ve even convinced our daughter that Chia Seeds are black sprinkles that pack a healthy punch on her toast and oatmeal.


Whether it’s setting the table, washing the produce or cooking with you, there is always something your kiddo can do. I try to allow my girl to cut yielding a butter knife or rip whatever produce is safe in her 4-year-old hands. We also started cooking together when she was very little pouring pre-measured items in bowls, smelling and tasting spices and washing produce. Tasting foods while cooking is also fun and talking about what happens when we introduce heat creates a science experiment in your own kitchen!

5. BE KIND – Philippians 4.5

Kindness always wins. Borrowing from Maya Angelou remember, your kid may remember the things that you say but they will certainly remember how you made them feel. This is true at the dinner table. Create an environment you both want to be in. If what you’re doing isn’t working and cause you to loathe mealtimes, invite God in and pray, “God help me find delight again.” I promise, when you seek Him, He will show you his face.

Here’s a simple and fun recipe for APPLE DONUTS: 


1 Apple
1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt
2 tsp of honey
Sprinkles, chia seeds, mini chocolate chips, fresh mint, or whatever various toppings you’d like
*optional food coloring

Take your favorite apple and cut it into rounds with the core intact. Using a small circular cookie cutter, core the apple from the center or use a paring knife making a donut hole. Mix the greek yogurt and honey making a sweet frosting, you can also add *food coloring.

Allow your child to decorate the donuts and enjoy them together. Don’t worry if they eat the slices or topping while creating their masterpieces, enjoy the time together!

Here at Revelation Wellness, we love families! For more resources on healthy and whole families, check out these blog posts: 

  1. Fun family activities for when you’re stuck inside
  2. Fitness ideas for the whole family
  3. Try this for a deeper connection with your family
  4. Three ways to teach your daughter not to hate her body

In the comments below, share your strategies to help your kids eat healthy! 


Alicia lives in Clearwater, FL with her husband Brian, 4-year-old daughter Hazel and 6 months old son Heath. Her ministry Revelation Wellness Tampa Bay offers, The Wellness Revelation classes online, kitchen cleanouts, as well as cooking and fitness classes for all seeking the Lord’s direction in their health and wellness journey. You can follow her on IG @Finding_Delight where she shares healthy tips, fitness inspiration, and biblical motivation or on her Facebook page, A Fitness Witness.

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6 Responses

  1. THANK you for the wonderful tips.! Ive been struggling lately with feeding my 8 year old Son Isaiah! We oicked his name feom Isaiah 43:19. God spoke right to me today THROUGH your words! Im taking it all to him! Thabk you jesus!

  2. Michelle, I’m So glad this encouraged you! Guess what my daughter asked me to make after school today! Stay strong and lead with love. You’re doing a good job by showing you care. Feel free to reach out anytime.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s very important to read this, especially during this global outbreak. It can be overwhelming for those not used to it so start one healthy habit at a time, like swapping out salt for herbs or adding one serving of veggies to each meal.

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