5 reasons why moving your body is better together

5 reasons why moving your body is better together

*Post updated January 2023

partner exercise

I have been going on walks in the park and down our local trails for years. Usually on my own, taking in the beauty of God’s creation. Something about being out in nature and moving my body soothes my soul in a unique way.

A little over a year ago, my husband started joining me on these walks. We found it helped ease my depression symptoms, and his company helped me get out and move when I really just wanted to hide out under the covers in bed. We’ve quickly found that exercise is better together. 

After all, God created us for community and connection. What better way is there to steward our bodies than to care for them together?

5 Benefits of Moving Together

1. Accountability

Exercising with a partner helps solve the “I don’t feel like it” blues. When one doesn’t feel like getting up and moving, the other can cheer you on to get moving.

TRY: Take a walk or bike ride together.

2. Better Relationships

This might sound obvious, but with busy work schedules and not a lot of extra energy, every bit of time together can strengthen relationships, whether with a spouse or a friend.

TRY: Taking turns selecting a RevWellTV workout to try together.  You can search by length (some are less than 20 min), intensity, instructor, and type of workout. So many choices, you’re sure to have fun together.

3. Increased Energy

Energy begets energy, and when we move together, it gets us in sync and both motivated and feeling good.

TRY: Sit Up Passes: Lie on the floor facing each other, with feet touching, ready to do a sit-up. Do a sit up together, and at the top, pass a ball to your partner. As you lower down for the next sit up, the partner with the ball taps it on the floor overhead. Sit up again and repeat, passing the ball back and forth with each repetition.

4. Opportunity for Encouragement

When you work out together, your partner can notice and call out improvement and progress that you might miss on your own.

TRY: Partner push-ups. Facing your partner in a push-up position, perform a push-up at the same time. At the top of the push-up, each person reaches out with their right hand to tap the other’s shoulder. Alternate sides with each repetition. Repeat this partner exercise a couple of times each week and celebrate each other’s progress and increasing strength.

5. Time for Conversation

When you work out together, conversations naturally happen. These are great opportunities to talk through and process struggles and stress together. Physically moving our bodies while we chat is a way to metabolize stress and stop it from getting stuck in our bodies. You’ll both feel better mentally AND physically.

TRY:  Set up a recurring appointment/date to work out together. Make it a habit to each share two things to be grateful for and one thing you’re working on or struggling with, taking turns talking and actively listening and supporting.

Your person could be a spouse, son or daughter, parent, friend… Find someone and get moving together. We’re better in and made for community.

Share this post with a friend you want to workout with! Why is exercising better together?

Michelle Acker is a teacher, artist, and Revelation Wellness Instructor on a mission to move our bodies in gentle and fun ways.  Michelle is also the host of the Simple Steps to Thrive Podcast, where she teaches simple and practical tips to overcome depression, anxiety, and stress.  Michelle lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and two teenage boys. You can find her on Instagram or at MichelleAcker.com.

Read more about living and moving in community:


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4 Responses

  1. Great word… Thank you for sharing. I tis so true… So better together and the good work that is doine during movement can’t re replicated in any ohter way. And 0 UGH the days I don’t want to move – when it is exactly what my heart neeeds…

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