How to get back on track when you’re overwhelmed

How to get back on track when you’re overwhelmed

overcome overwhelm

It’s dinnertime. You’re tired, kids are clingy, and the healthy meal you want but everyone else is already complaining about is far from ready. The kitchen counters are full of unfinished homeschool projects, you step on something sticky with your bare feet, then bump into a family member standing there on their phone.

“Ugh, you’re in the way! Set the table, carry the baby, SOMETHING!” The words fly like shrapnel and your family is collateral damage. You’re overextended and overwhelmed.

Dinner is silent because your anger has silenced everyone else, but you’re too mad and can’t seem to pull yourself out of it.


You turn on some music and start doing dishes.

“In Christ alone, my hope is found.

He is my light my strength, my song”

The familiar worship song comforts your heart, lifts your spirit, and as you sway, your mind feels free. You can breathe again.

You start to remember that a healthy dinner, well-behaved kids, and a clean kitchen are not your hope. 

Jesus is.

He becomes your light, your strength, your song, too.

Nothing around you has changed, but in a way, everything has changed.

Your perspective has been realigned in the love of Christ!

A Song of Surrender

While you were striving to keep it together, a simple song reminded you that Christ alone holds all things, including you. Surrender becomes your greatest strength in moments of overwhelm.

How can a thing like lifting our hands up in praise lift off the heaviest burdens?

Music is like the heartbeat of the Lord, and tuning in settles our own heart and keeps us in step with Him. Right foot: lyrics, logic, sound mind. Left foot: melody, love, Spirit. Right, left, right, left, and here we are, back on track, out of the backcountry of burdens and onto the tracks of the freedom train.

Pastor Watchman Nee wrote, “Our prayers lay the track down which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.”

When we’re too overwhelmed to stop and pray, too frazzled to remember any Scripture, a familiar song in our hearts leads the way.

When You’re Stressed, Lead With Praise

Do you ever try to fight stress with more busywork, thinking, “If only I can finish this next task, I’ll feel more ‘on top of things'”?

Unfinished work causes untamable overwhelm, but the finished work of Christ creates unstoppable peace.

Every single famous battle in the Bible starts with praise, letting Christ alone lead the way because He is the way:

1.When you’re cut down with self-criticism: Judgement is usually the first thought in our mind, but God has a reverse order, shown in the pattern He gave the Israelites when they would set out from their camps in the wilderness. God’s presence went first, then Judah (praise) followed, the tent of meeting was in the middle, and the tribe of Dan (judgment) came last. Let us step aside and let God go first, praise His presence within us, and His judgment will guard us. In Christ alone, God has judged us free of all condemnation!

2. When the proverbial walls are closing in: Start walking and singing praise music. Keep going until the walls come crumbling down. That’s how God’s people took down Jericho.

3. When you can’t break away from work: Cry out to God and let Him lead you into a quiet space to worship. God broke the Israelites free from their Egyptian slave masters not to work for Him but to worship in the wilderness.

A Simple Strategy for Overwhelm

Not sure what song to start with? Try a familiar classic.

“In Christ Alone” is my go-to simply because it sunk deep into my heart when I was a kid. It spoke to me when I was overwhelmed with loneliness and finding my value in performance. Eighteen years later, the song still plays in the church and in my heart. It has become long-term memory, so I don’t need to search around in my head for a song when I’m in the middle of a panic storm.

Choose a song that has been with you for years, as an enduring reminder that Christ is a firm foundation for you to regain your footing. 

We can find overwhelm wherever we are, whether that’s a busy schedule shuttling kids back and forth to activities, or shut up in the house hiding away from a virus, trying to keep it all together and get dinner on the table on time.

No matter what overwhelm you’re facing, Christ alone can calm you, center you, and restore your priorities. Go ahead, sing the words, and watch what He does in you:

“This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace,

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!

My Comforter, my All in All,

Here in the love of Christ I stand.” (“In Christ Alone,” by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, 2001)

In the comments below, share what song gets you back on track when you’re overwhelmed!

Kasey is a wife, mom of two, author, and Revelation Wellness personal trainer in Athens, Georgia. She can find her at and would love to connect with you on Instagram @kaseybshuler.

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This classic step aerobics video will give you a simple, heart-pumping routine combined with strength training intervals to give you a full-body workout.  Don’t have a step, don’t worry! Find some stairs or a step stool – or simply follow along with the modifications if you don’t have either of those items. (PSALM 50:23, STEP)


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22 Responses

  1. I have so MAny songs that come to mind…here lately it’s been Holy Water by We the kingdom.

  2. Thank you, Kasey! “Unfinished work causes untamable overwhelm, but the finished work of Christ creates unstoppable peace.” This statement hit me square between the eyes! I am holding this truth as I go into work today.

    I have so many songs that bring me back into the arms of God and away from the world – but often, I will just stop and sing “Holy Spirit you are Welcome here, come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”

  3. WOW! Just what I needed today as I am finally clearing the rumble from an overwhelming season.

  4. WheN we sing “OVERCOME” (Elevation Worship) in church, the chorUs thrumS in my brain for days.:

    “We will not be moved
    When the earth gives way
    For the risen One has overcome
    And for every fear
    There’s an empty grave
    For the risen One has overcome…”

    “In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus, our Overcomer, says. “But take heart! I have overcome the world (John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬).‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

  5. I love so many but Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in His wonderful face . So claiming you are in his presence.

  6. Thank you for sharing!
    Your words “…Christ alone holds all things, including you. Surrender becomes your greatest strength in moments of overwhelm” really touChed me.

  7. Overwhelmed! Just moved into a new house and there’s just so much it’s got the better of me…Till this morning! I put rebecca st james alive in florida on my turntable, threw out my to do list and instead started a done list funny how a little peace can change the whole picture. Something i know but sometimes forget thanks for the nudge, but i know where that nudge comes from.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Mark! Moving is a huge job, we’re glad you could find peace in all the chaos!

  8. Day 3 of Couch to 5k. Started out sleeping in because I binged watched movies late into early hours. Tan some errands. Had a healthy protein drink for breakfast. Six steamed crabs for lunch. And completed my 5-2-5 training at 6pm. Dinner is fresh homade pizza.

  9. My go to is Lauren Daigle’s rescue
    My mom sent to me yesterday We were just finished building our home & the tears and anxiety became to much. Its words spoke right to my heart.

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