5 Breathing Tips to Reduce Anxiety

5 Breathing Tips to Reduce Anxiety

breathing tips

5 Ways Breathing Reduces Anxiety:

1. God’s Breath is Life

2. The Breath is a Comforter, the Holy Spirit

3. The Breath Equips 

4. The Breath Calms

5. Breath of Gratitude and Offerings of Praise

Restlessness, agitation, and anxiety are at an all-time high. People are physically and spiritually drained, as they seek answers to life’s unknowns. The enemy relentlessly tries to lure us into believing we have been forgotten and/or abandoned when we face uncertain times.

Friends, it’s time we come against this orphaned mindset with the truth! Our heavenly Father isn’t far away. He’s our refuge and strength, a very present helper in our time of need (Psalm 46:1). He desires to hear our voices and be gracious to us (Psalm 27:7) As His children, we can lie down the weights of worry and fear to adopt new rhythms of rest. It begins today by creating stillness and reconnecting with our breath, which is the source of life.

(Re)Connect with Your Breath

The imagery of breath is illustrated throughout the Bible as a “spiritual essence and power, unseen except in its effects, including aspects of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. The main Hebrew and Greek words translated as “breath” in the New International Version are also translated as “spirit” and “wind”, according to Bible Gateway’s Dictionary of Bible Themes.

In the following five examples, I’ll share how connecting with your breath can bring you peace and strengthen your faith.

1. God's Breath is Life

 When we walk through difficult seasons, we may lose perspective of the truth that God’s breath is the source of our life. He created us in His image and breathed into man’s nostrils (Genesis 2:7). Nothing surprises him. He knew we would face trials and tribulations but promised never to leave us (John 16:32-33). When you began to feel weary or alone, take a moment to breathe deeply. The Almighty is near, he’s sustaining you.

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 NIV

2. The Breath is a Comforter, the Holy Spirit

From John 14:26, we know Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us. His role is to teach us all things and brings things to our remembrance. Carve out some time for stillness. You can cast your anxiety upon Him and patiently wait to hear what the Spirit is speaking over you and/or your situation.

3. The Breath Equips

In Revelation Wellness ‘Be Still and Be Loved Podcast Episode #442, Alisa Keeton shares how our breath equips us with energy, wisdom, and understanding to do our work (Job 32:8, Psalm 119:73). We can feel empowered to fulfill our divine purposes because God’s breath is within us.

4. The Breath Calms

In 1 King 19, Prophet Elijah was distraught and feared for his life. He cried out to the Lord. He looked for him to appear in various forms, but the Lord revealed himself in a gentle whisper. He instructed Elijah, and he was able to continue his mission of finding his servant, Elisha.

Don’t miss your heavenly father’s instruction because you’re looking for him in the wrong places. God speaks in a whisper, but we need a listening ear and an open heart to receive his wisdom.

5. Breath of Gratitude and Offerings of Praise

Do not lose hope but grasp firmly to the knowledge that God is good and he has good plans for our lives. We can replace complaints and expectations with gratitude and praise. While we have breath, we can boldly declare that we will praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6, Psalm 34: 1-4).

“No matter what tomorrow holds, we can create breathing room for our souls by resting in God” – Psalm 62:1-2 MSG.

Talancia (Tee) Pea is a certified NASM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, Physical Education Teacher, and Revelation Wellness Instructor. She enjoys playing at the beach and going on evening bike rides with her husband and three children. Learn more about how Tee is creating an inclusive fitness in her community of Melbourne, FL at www.every1moves.com


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