This is How I Rev at Home

This is How I Rev at Home

rev at home

Our home is our domestic church. In our homes, we have the capacity to grow in the virtues Christ modeled for us by word and example.  With intentional choices, we can use our home to nurture these Christ-like qualities within our family.  Our home is a sacred space where God is present and living among us.  As with any family dedicated to following Christ, we both sharpen each other and experience tension. This friction can create an uncomfortable spark between us. But when fanned with the help of these learned virtues the spark can become a flame that cannot be contained.  This flame in our hearts intensifies as love. Not only is love active but it is humble and opens the doorway to reconciliation.

The mission of Revelation Wellness is all about ensuring we are working towards health and wholeness, but the bookends of the mission are “Love God” and “Love Others.”  These two components are what keep our foundation while getting healthy and whole, focused on glorifying God instead of ourselves.  Since becoming a member of the Revelation Wellness family the greatest muscle God is strengthening is my heart.

Reving in my home looks like my kids joining me for a workout or attempting to memorize Scripture passages by singing the verses together while marching around the house for a mind, body, heart connection.  However, the greatest takeaway from my Revelation Wellness Instructor Training has never been about defining my muscles or helping people attain a certain weight or size. The greatest takeaway from my training has been all about learning how to surrender my heart to God in hopes to lead others (including my family) to Him. 

The kicker is if my heart is not healthy and whole then my way of loving and leading is not healthy or whole. 

Love GOD:  Being in communion with the One who knows our hearts deepest places is essential in being fit to love my family and friends well.  My favorite time with the Father is found in the silent stillness of the morning.  Diving into His Word guides my footsteps for the day.  However, when the middle of the night feedings for my newborn and bad dreams for my toddler occurs, you’d better believe my snooze button gets a lot of action.  Knowing this quiet morning time is not attainable every day in our family’s current season of “perfect chaos” I am reassured when I meet with the Father by playing worship music when making breakfast or enjoying a mid-afternoon kitchen dance party with my kids. Through these moments I can see the Father so clearly in my children’s joyful squeals and smiles.

Love OTHERS: As a mom of four small children, my job is to seek God’s guidance in raising big people for the Kingdom.  No pressure, right?  We read in Luke 12:48 that “To whom much is given, much will be required.” I see the great gift my husband and I have received to love and raise these little people.  And as many of you know, loving well (especially those closest to us) in our human nature is often a challenge.  It has been important for me to take care of myself in mind, body, and spirit so that I can care for the four little faces that stare up at me.

The other day my daughter and I created a sticker chart to work on her behavior of whining and complaining to refine it and work towards a goal.  As I drew up this sticker chart for my five-year-old, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Ok, and now allow her to make one for you…”  (Gulp).

You see, God gives me plenty of opportunities for sanctification through the gift of motherhood. My greatest sin nature revealed since becoming a mother has been my inclination to anger. My anger can often rear its ugly head and it has been helpful to recognize triggers for this behavior.  As silly as it sounds,  allowing my five-year-old to create a sticker chart for me was the Holy Spirit calling me to get low in a stance of humility and accountability.  It is a tangible opportunity to ask my children at the end of the day if they thought that my attitude and responses that day mirrored love.  It’s an opportunity to walk alongside my children toward Jesus.  My unsuitable behavior can only be changed by bringing it to light, taking responsibility, and asking for forgiveness. This simple child-like goal of a sticker on days where I do not allow anger to become my master is a small and tangible way that I can show my children what freedom living looks like.  Living in a way where my sin is exposed and instead of carrying shame inviting God to take me deeper and to continue to strengthen my heart.

How do you Rev at home? Where is God challenging you to better love currently in your own domestic church? Holy Spirit, I invite you to make clear the areas where God desires to strengthen my heart muscle. 

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Kate Hutson is a wife, mother, and Revelation Wellness Instructor (Platoon 14).  She and her husband, Dan, have four children and live in Dayton, OH.  She loves people and is an encourager by nature.  Kate facilitates the ministry of Revelation Wellness- Dayton, OH.  Some things that bring her great joy include dinner parties with friends and family, a warm mug of coffee, and witnessing others rock their God-given gifts and doing what God created them to do.

Thank you for reading the Revelation Wellness Blog! Do you want to encourage men and women in your community to love God, get healthy, be whole, and love others? Have you considered Revelation Wellness Instructor Training?

Let’s join together for a special time of prayer & worship!

Thursday, June 25 at 2pm EST |

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Tammy’s Tabata Style Cardio – “His Favorite”

This one is HOT! Like you are going to sweat hot! This is a traditional Tabata workout – 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Today’s workout will consist of 4 Tabata sets. If you stop smiling during this workout, remember to get back in step with the Spirit. This is your get-to! (ALL LEVELS) (Psalm 91:14-15; BOX/STEP)


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10 Responses

  1. This was exactly what i needed to read today! Being a mom of seven is challenging. It reveals so much to me about myself – and my sin. Thank you for SHARING this!

    1. We are so glad this was an encouraging read for you this morning! You’re the woman for the job!

  2. Kate!!!!!! One of my favorite people Ever!!!! This post was exact what this mommy heart needed! So blessed by you in each and every way!!!!! I will have to take your advice and get my kiddos to make mommy a sticker chart! LOVE THIS REVELATION WELLNESS FAMIKY OF MINE! I am better bec of you!

  3. Oh man, such a great post, thank you! I am a mom of three littles as well, altho they are quicklY becoming Not little. Im not familiar with sticker charts – id love to see what you put on them anD how this looks PRACTICALLY, is there any way you could post Or email a picture?? Id be so grateful! Thanks again for the awesome post.

  4. Kate! Such goodness and truth. Thank you girl. I loved seeing your beautiful face at end of the blog.

  5. This article really spOke to me In so many ways. I feel like the Lord has beEn revealing To me That within our four walLs is WhEre the most Work is needed. We struggle the most to walk in kindness Patience and love toward each other. Anger, frustration, shamIng, accusing, arguing, disrespect are just a few. We are a godlier example with outside relationships than in iur home. I Love the sticker chart For mom. I have often said in my prayer group that i Often get “God taps” on my shoulder when i correct My kids. God saying umm do you hear what tou just said? Well how about you?
    Good hard stUff. Thanks for sharing.

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