Workout Tips for the Overweight Christian

Workout Tips for the Overweight Christian

workout tips plus size

Starting a fitness routine when you're overweight?

Starting a fitness routine when you’re overweight is a daunting task.  Setting foot into a gym, walking into a group fitness class, or going to the local park to walk can seem like an absolute nightmare.

The biggest obstacle I hear from potential class participants is that they’re afraid of not being able to keep up with the other participants and they’re afraid of how they’ll look. 

Does that resonate with you?

Don’t worry, I’ll speak about all of these things later. 

First,  I’m going to relay the single greatest advice I was given when starting a daunting task.  A person asked me, “Well, how do you eat an elephant? (long dramatic pause) One bite at a time.”  

The answer to starting a fitness routine when you’re overweight is just to start. If we replace lies with truth, lean on the Lord, and listen to his prompting, we’re sure to have success! 

How do you get started?

First, consult your doctor.  Make sure you are cleared for exercise. After that, the simplest change you can make is to move in a way you enjoy.  Perhaps you can walk around your neighborhood or park on a sunny day.  Maybe exercise at home or at a local gym. Do what you enjoy and build momentum!

The most important thing you can do is just start.  We all must begin our fitness journey somewhere.

You might get uncomfortable

It may be uncomfortable to begin a workout routine when you carry extra weight.  I struggled with something called social physique anxiety, which means I was insecure about how I looked to others, and I perceived that others could be negatively evaluating my body.  However, it’s in that tension we can find freedom. 

No matter what size you are, your body is GOOD.  Genesis 1:31 says, “And God saw everything he had made, and behold, it was very good“.  The Amplified Bible reads, “…it was very good and he validated it completely.”  

Think about those things when the days get rough.  There’s nothing that God wasn’t aware of when He created you and gave you a purpose.  In other words, we aren’t powerful enough to mess up the plans He has for us.  

Psalm 139: 13-16 says “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  

Your Father calls you good.  He validates you. He knew your frame (body) and ordained all your days.  He loves you and that's what matters most.

It's not about the fitness

This journey you’re on is really not about fitness.  It’s about freedom. 

Do you feel free? Or, do you feel like you’re in bondage to comparison, the pantry, the scale, or something else? 

In other words, what have you been planting and tending in your life that does not align with God’s heart? 

When you partner with the Lord on your health and wellness journey, the difference will be night and day.  He is faithful to expose the weeds, and when He uproots them you’ll find freedom.

 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you”.  

All doesn’t mean some.  God cares about our health as much as He cares about our anxieties.  Give your journey over to Him, and the story He’ll weave will be incredible.  God is a loving father, and He will guide your steps. 

3 tips to succeed in your fitness routine:

1. Get moving and be mindful of your joints

God created the universe, including the laws of physics and our bodies.  Something I had to contend with was the effect of exercising on my joints.  I suggest you start by moving in a way you enjoy but be mindful of the impact on your body. 

Don’t go too hard or too fast, if you’ve been inactive or sedentary for a period of time as you’re more prone to injury.  Modify exercises when needed and go low impact. 

What matters most is that you’re moving your body. Don’t worry about keeping up with the rest of the class.  I had to learn to be fully in my body, in my current state of health and work up slowly.  

The Lord is faithful and he’ll prompt you when it’s time to push.  It usually came as “Hey, I feel like trying to step up this move today!” and I just did it.  Your journey is between you and the Lord.  He is always so proud when we show up and do the work. 

2. Consider your diet

Another tip is the uncomfortable topic of diet.  It goes hand in hand with exercise.  Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to get help and advice for your own personal journey.  A small portion of my testimony is my battle with the symptoms of PCOS.  Once I started fueling my body properly I started to see better results. 

3. Rest, seek God's peace, and enjoy the ride

As you embark on the journey of health and wellness with the Lord, you’ll grow deeper in your relationship with Him.  He is a friend who will stick closer than a brother.  The Lord is your biggest cheerleader and He’s also a faithful coach that will call you up when it’s time.  If you come to a point where you’ve lost your peace, seek the Lord and work it out.  Just remember, it’s not a race.  It’s a journey of growth. 

Faith based fitness on demand!

RevWell TV is an online library of Christian workouts filled with Truth to train your hope and move you in God’s love. Every time you press play, you’ll experience something you can’t get just anywhere – a message of freedom. We’re not interested in skinny and ripped. We want you healthy, whole, and free!

Christy Crites is a Certified Revelation Wellness Instructor from Platoon 23.  She has been married to her husband for almost 15 years and they have 5 children.  She loves  to paint, draw, garden, and play bass guitar. She teaches group fitness classes every week in Worthington, IN and she is studying to be a personal trainer.  

Your Health Journey Begins Here

If you’re new to fitness or just getting back into an exercise routine after a long hiatus, The Ultimate Guide to Fitness for Beginners will have everything you need to get started, Revelation Wellness style!

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