To the ends of the earth: a faith and fitness devotional

To the ends of the earth: a faith and fitness devotional

missional living

Our Mission

When I first stumbled upon Revelation Wellness, I was scrolling through Instagram for faith and fitness-related accounts. I was still a fairly new Christian, fresh out of college, searching for a way to reconcile my body image and my new Christian faith. Through middle school, high school, and college, I suffered through bouts of disordered eating and over-exercise to achieve the skinniest body I could, without alarming my parents too much. 

Experiencing the possibly triggering transition from college to the work world, the Holy Spirit guided me to a haven of Christ-centered fitness, saving me from obsessive, lifeless patterns. I listened to my first Reving the Word episode while driving home from work. Then, a few months later, the Lord graciously opened a position for me on the Revelation Wellness Staff as Blog Manager and Staff Writer. A few months after that, I got to go through Revelation Wellness Fitness instructor training and experience the heart-pounding, soul-filling retreat in Arizona. 

In this position and as an Instructor, I have been able to experience the personal transformation that occurs when you move your body as worship and I have been able to hear (and share) the countless stories of transformation in our Instructors’ lives. But, Revelation Wellness’ mission does not end at personal transformation. 

Following Jesus’ call to “go and make disciples of all nations,” Revelation Wellness creatively, winsomely, with sweaty hugs and big hearts, shares the gospel with the world through Instructors, Ambassadors, RevWell TV, challenges, and faith-filled events (Matthew 28:16-20). 

Our mission is measured by the Ambassadors we equip to love the underserved, marginalized people, not pounds or inches lost. 

Our mission is measured by the faithful ministry of our 2400+ Fitness Instructors, not body fat percentage. 

Our mission is measured by the number of people who hear the gospel in a fresh way as they move their bodies with joy and freedom, not the calories they tracked on their fitness watch. 

If this mission speaks to your heart and your passions, we invite you to join us to use fitness as a tool to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Move in love with RevWell TV

Faith-based fitness isn’t about screaming the name Jesus during your workout and calling it “Christian.” Instead, faith-based fitness is about affirming a biblically founded vision of the purpose and design of the body in workouts that are led by certified fitness professionals who know the transformative power of God’s Word. They are Fitness Teacher Gospel Preachers who lead with excellence because they want to see you live in freedom and truth in the good body God has given you. 

If you haven’t tried one before, sign up for RevWell TV and press play on any workout you like — drumsticks, kickboxing, dance, functional strength, and more. Experience what it feels like to move your body out of joy, not shame or fear. 

Then, invite a friend to work out with you. And invite another friend. Then, invite your neighbor who may not know Jesus. Get your hopes up about what the Lord will do with His Word and a few exercises. Turn your silent prayers for community revival into prayers repeated through your hands and feet. 

Help us share the good news of Jesus Christ from east to west!

Turn your silent prayers for revival into prayers repeated through your hands and feet. 


Jesus’ commission to share the good news to the end of the earth is not just for missionaries in foreign countries or those who work for a Christian ministry. No, the Great Commission is a call for ALL Jesus followers to share the gospel wherever they are. 

Here at Revelation Wellness, we serve as a gathering place to equip our Instructors, Ambassadors, Donors, and community to be filled with God’s truth and goodness, so they can take the good news beyond their exercise mats and into their homes and communities. 

Take some time to sit with God and reflect on these questions: 

1. Who is my neighbor? Who has God placed in my life who is in need of the Gospel?

2. How is the Spirit leading me to minister to that person? Through prayer? Lending a listening ear? Through generous hospitality? 

3. How can the ministry of Revelation Wellness help me share the Gospel in new and creative ways? 

We’d love to hear how the ministry of Revelation Wellness has equipped you to share the good news with the people around you!

Learn about our Ambassadors

We have 91 active Ambassadors all over the world! These men and women serve marginalized and underserved communities with faith-based fitness programs and discipleship. Read one of their stories on the blog! 

Moving the Mission in Botswana – Sarah Witt

Serving God on the Basketball Court- Cassie Bates

Moving the Mission in Unlikely Places – Tracey Sarris

Gabrielle Wenos (Platoon 21) lives in Sheridan, Wyoming, with her husband, Parker, and son, Byron. She serves as a Content Manager for Revelation Wellness. You can read more of her writing on her website

Join us on mission!

There is still time for you to contribute to our end-of-year giving campaign, To the Ends of the Earth. If Revelation Wellness has made an impact in your life, we encourage you to give!

When you give, Revelation Wellness Instructors are trained and sent out all over the world to share the message of Jesus through fitness and wellness. These instructors go into dark places carrying the light of Christ to people who are often overlooked or marginalized.

Help us meet our $100,000 goal! Give generously today to empower transformation, lasting change, and freedom as people experience health and wholeness through Christ.


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