Why Faith-Based Fitness Instructor Training?

Why Faith-Based Fitness Instructor Training?

*Originally posted December 2015

why faith-based fitness instructor training?

Why faith-based fitness instructor training?

Let’s start with two patterns I’ve seen over and over in my decades-long career as a fitness professional.

First, the desire to be smaller.

Every year, men and women die from anorexia, an eating disorder where one eats food (a good thing) as little as possible to have a smaller and smaller body. Not only does anorexia impact a person’s body weight. It can have devastating effects on “virtually every organ system” (Sidiropoulos, McGill Journal of Medicine).

While it’s a disease that may trim your figure, it ultimately squelches your ability and even your life. 

Wouldn’t it be just like the enemy or our souls to offer men and women of God a lie this deadly? To convince them that their true beauty and value come from being so small that they’re brought to a state of dis-ability? 

The enemy would love to have you uncomfortable in the body the Creator of Beauty gave you and unable to do the work He’s called you to.

So here is the truth to fight the lies: you don’t need to be smaller. God’s view of beauty, of you, must become larger!

When you realize that what God calls beautiful is often very different than what the world calls beautiful, you will feel the burden of “smallness” lift off you. 

“For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7, ESV)

The truth is, the only smallness worth pursuing is a heart bowed before a Good and Faithful King. There is a great deal of joy found in that kind of smallness.

[Listen to the RW Podcast to hear a mother and her daughter share their journey through an eating disorder. Keep your tissues close!]

Our fitness teacher gospel preachers are trained to help people take up space in God’s great, generous love while bowing their hearts before Him. 

Doesn’t that sound like something you’re called to do? 

Now, another reason you are needed as a Christian fitness instructor.

The only smallness worth pursuing is a heart bowed before a Good and Faithful King. There is a great deal of joy found in that kind of smallness.

Second, we don't know what to do with our bodies.

Let me explain. 

Maybe awful things have been done to your body. Or you’ve used your body for sinful purposes. Or, maybe your body has suffered from sickness or dysfunction – things just don’t work like they are supposed to. Or, you’ve acquired a negative view of your body from a church community. 

In short, your relationship with your body is complicated. And you know what, God knows. He sees, and He cares. 

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15, ESV). 

If we were sitting face to face right now, I’d grab your hand, look in your eyes, and tell you, “Friend, the gospel is good news for your body as much as it is good news for your soul.” 

Our good Father, sent His Son, Jesus, as a human, in a body to redeem, restore, and ultimately resurrect your body when you put your trust in Him. This doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to be healed of your ailments or that the emotional scars of trauma will disappear today. But it does mean that your body is part of God’s plan for eternity. 

So, if your body will be important THEN, it is important NOW. 

Right now, your body, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is consecrated to make Love seen in whatever shape and size you find yourself in. You are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), revealing glimpses of God’s Kingdom through your body until Christ comes again and it is seen in full. 

As a Christian fitness instructor, you can show people what it means to be a follower of Christ in a good body that has endured bad things. You can make love seen. Not through a perfectly chiseled body but through a body filled with the Holy Spirit and eager to serve, even in weakness. 

This isn’t anything but the Great Commission with a beat and some hand weights. 

But, man is it life-changing because you are really learning to love God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength, just like He made you to do.

So, what do you say?

As a Christian fitness instructor you can show people what it means to be a follower of Christ in a good body that has endured bad things.

God is calling you to have a voice and take up space!

I am a woman of action. I can only stand talk for so long. Action is my sweet spot! Action requires instruction, intention, and slaughtering our insecurities as we execute new ways on wobbly knees.

Are you ready? Are you willing? 

Then, become a Revelation Wellness Instructor. We’ve been waiting for you. 

Alisa Keeton is the founder and CEO of Revelation Wellness and the author of The Body Revelation. A 25+ year fitness professional, she believes that the Gospel is a wholistic message of heart, mind, soul, and strength, and each body holds a story that must be told. It is then that healing, health, and wholeness can truly begin.

become a christian fitness instructor

As a Revelation Fitness Instructor, you’ll be fully trained and equipped to lead classes infused with the love, power, and freedom found in Christ alone. 


Class Design

Safety and cueing

Strength, cardio, flexibility, and mobility

Using music and choreography



Building disciples & community


Learn more about becoming a Christian fitness instructor:


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5 Responses

  1. Love this! How can I save it? Its not also possibly available on youtube is it? I’ll forget about it here. 🙁

  2. Thank you for this post, Alisa! It says exactly what I’ve been trying to say. An “elevator pitch,” so to speak, to tell my friends and family what I’m embarking on. Now I can just send them this link. Can’t wait to see your real life face and thank you. I start training in January!

  3. Yes! “Get small in His presence, get big in the world.” So good, Alisa. Thank you for always pointing me back to Jesus…and His freedom. It’s been a rough few months, and this is perfect timing.

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