How to Avoid Boredom on Your Training Walks

How to Avoid Boredom on Your Training Walks

Does your walking routine feel stale? Amy shares 7 ideas to add some pep in your step.

How to avoid boredom on your training walks

“I am ready to walk a new path after walking this one for 20 years,” she said as our conversation ended.

My family had just moved into this dream neighborhood while this neighbor was leaving.

At first, I couldn’t fathom boredom in this picturesque place – the trees, the homes, the tranquility, all surrounded by open spaces and new faces.

Yet, a year later, I was walking the same half-mile loop, feeling the monotony. I remembered her departing words and could now relate to how this loop could become predictable and uninviting.

It was time to shake things up and inject some new life into the ordinary daily walks, which I had found vital for my mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Summer was coming to a close, and it was time to settle back into a school rhythm at home. We needed to reset after months of staying up late and sleeping in. I called up a neighbor who was teaching her five boys at home and asked if we could “walk to school” together each morning. 

We needed the sunshine and movement, and the friendships drew us out to the curb! Even with single-digit temperatures, at 8:40 am, we would head out, walk the loop, and then head to the kitchen table where the school day began. 

It was time to shake things up and inject some new life into the ordinary daily walks.

Have you walked the same path hundreds of times or been bored of walking alone? Don’t give up! I invite you to lace up your shoes and try something new as you continue to move that good body!

If you have been connected to Revelation Wellness for any amount of time, you know how important moving your body is. You get to worship God in your body, in your soul, and your spirit; the ways to do this are endless. 

When it comes to walking, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to overcome boredom when it hits again (because it will).

1. Invite a friend or neighbor to walk with you

What a gift it is to walk with someone. Could you initiate a walk with a friend, neighbor, or even a small group of friends? You can do this physically or virtually.

2. Try a prayer walk

Be intentional about not putting music or podcasts in your ears. Rather ask Him to help quiet all other voices so the two of you can walk and talk. Intercede for your neighbors by name or address. Or, consider breath prayers to get your first few steps behind you and then see where your prayers lead you. New to breath prayers? You can watch a free training on here.

3. Try a scavenger hunt

Observing nature is an easy way to stir your heart to worship.

Have you ever stopped along your route and wondered at the One who created something so meticulously?

Stop and literally smell the roses, pick up a leaf, watch an insect, or notice the pattern on the bark of that oak tree on the corner. Look for one new thing every time you head out to walk. Take a photo and start a nature journal in your camera feed.

4. Catch the sun

If your timing is flexible, choose to walk at sunrise and/or sunset each day. With each sunrise and sunset, He paints the sky a beautiful new masterpiece to behold. Be reminded that you, too, were created artfully (Genesis 2:7, 2:22, Isaiah 64:8).

5. Join an outdoor adventure or fitness community

Did you know that there are Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructors and Outdoor Leaders all around the world? Search here to find a class or Instructor close to you!

6. Memorize Scripture

Grab a stack of 3×5” index cards and write out the Scripture you want to memorize. Keep them in a place that’s easy to pick up on your way out the door. Exercise improves your focus and memory, so it’s an effective way “store up the word in your heart.”

7. Reving the Word Podcasts

Years ago, I curiously hit play on a Reving the Word podcast.

Try one for yourself and see God uses these upbeat, truth-filled movement podcasts as catalysts for freedom and joy in Christ.

If you have never listened to a Reving the Word podcast or it’s been a while, this is an incredible way to bring energy and intentionality back into your walks. Need help on where to start? Hit play on this episode.

tips to overcome boredom while walking for fitness

Keep walking, friend!

You are caring well for your body, soul, and spirit. Play around with the ideas above to breathe life back into a routine that has lost its zeal.

If you have other ideas, leave a comment below; I’ll be checking back to add your ideas to my list, too. I’ll be strolling this familiar loop for years to come.

Amy Martens is a Certified Revelation Wellness RevX Instructor (Platoon 31) and LiveWell Health Coach (Brigade 1). She lives in Nebraska with her husband, four kids, an Australian shepherd, and 20 backyard chickens. Inviting people to gather and connect brings her so much joy. Her gatherings can be found here.

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