True Beauty, Freedom and the Real You

True Beauty, Freedom and the Real You

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30 Growing up, my dad was my biggest fan. I asked him for his advice on everything, from how to thread a sewing machine to what kind of job I should have when I grew up. […]

Gratitude in the Wilderness

As the Revelation Wellness Director of Events, I have the privilege of attending our fundraising event every year called “Rim to Him” where a group of about 50 hikers hike the Grand Canyon from rim to rim. I love watching and encouraging the hikers from the sidelines, setting up their hospitality rooms, and ensuring that […]

Growing In Gratitude When Life Isn’t Easy


*Post updated September 2023 In a world where there is always something new to buy or some self-improvement plan to try, you may ask, “What does it mean to be thankful? What exactly is it that I’m thankful for? How do I grow in gratitude?” I find it easy to be thankful when things are […]

Gratitude In The Trenches

With her cheeks flushed red from standing in the 3 pm Arizona sun and her backpack filled like a paratrooper, my thirteen-year-old daughter jumped into the car with great anticipation. I figured she must have some “hot off the press” news to share about her day in the 8th grade, or an urgent question, but […]

Harvest Party!

This week is RW’s Instructor training Retreat Intensive in Williams, AZ and platoon 19 is worshiping and sweating, laughing and crying, moving and pressing into the the FREEDOM Christ has for us. It is a week of HARVEST – the seeds of truth sown in hearts come to fruition and beautiful fruit is reaped – […]

Living Fully Present

Tears ran down my face as I sat on the floor outside my adopted daughter’s bedroom. She had been home with us for a year and instead of life getting easier, it became more challenging. As she slept in her bed after a long and difficult day I sat there and wept. Why was this […]

Little Seeds Turn Into Big Trees

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of […]

A Harvest For The Taking

  I love birthdays. I love making a big deal of my friends and family. And honestly, I love my birthday just as much! It’s currently a birthday month in my world and I’m shameless about it. This year for my birthday I asked my parents for a lemon tree, which was out of the […]

The Soil of Our Hearts

  “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen. 8:22 God’s promise is that our lives will bear a holy rhythm that reflects the natural rhythm of the earth. Planting seed, watering, weeding, waiting and finally, harvesting is a natural picture of how […]

Freedom to be F.A.T.

  It was a Sunday morning. I stood in front of my closet undressed.  My closet was full of clothing.  Much of the clothing did not fit, was well worn, or I had worn it recently.  Nothing was good enough.  I was fat. I was ugly. I had nothing to wear.  Time was ticking, and […]

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