Quit counting calories for good!

Quit counting calories for good!

quit counting calories

For as long as I can remember, food has been placed in high regard within my Southern culture. We have always gathered around the table to eat to celebrate good times and mourn sad ones. Food has brought us comfort, entertainment and at times, been abused as an attempt to fill voids. 

What we choose to eat (or not eat) is a complex choice created by a lifetime of experiences. Perhaps you recall as a child feeling loved when your grandmother insisted you eat another slice of pie, and now as an adult you seek out desserts whenever you feel unfilled or abandoned.

Or maybe as a child, you excessively ate snacks when you were bored or when your guardians were unavailable to meet your needs. Now as an adult, you continue to emotionally eat and/or drink in hopes of finding healing. The harmful cycle continues because nothing of this world will ever come close to satisfying us like the love of Jesus.

Sisters and brothers, we have forgotten the truth that our heavenly Father created food for us to enjoy as nourishment to our bodies. It is ALL pure and clean (Acts. 10:9-16 NIV). We begin to defile food when we define it as our enemy. We obsess about counting calories, weighing food portions and setting eating schedules. Whenever we give anything more attention than we give to God, we have made it a “god”, an idol in our lives.

And God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant (vegetables) on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29). 

Let’s turn away from the “diet culture” of this world and be renewed in our hearts and minds. You and I were created for greater purposes than worrying about every morsel of food we eat or don’t eat. Freedom is available for us, and it begins with us seeking our Heavenly Father to reveal us what our body’s need most. After all, he is our Creator, and He knows what is best for us. Ask him. Then you can practically move forward in incorporating wise counsel into your wellness plans!


Balance Your Plate: I encourage you to take a pause from calorie-tracking apps and journals and start focusing on choosing more nutrient-dense food options. A balanced plate of food will include protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber. Swap processed foods (in packaging/boxes) for lean meats, beans, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and oils. 

Try Something New: The old saying “eat the rainbow” remains true today. Challenge yourself to eat colorful foods daily and try at least one new plant each week. You might surprise yourself! There is probably much more you may like then you expected.

Portion Sizes Matter:. God has already given you everything you need to enjoy all He has provided–you can use your hand to figure out approximate portion sizes of everything you want to eat. Portion size is the amount of a food you choose to eat — which may be more or less than a serving.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends: 

  • A baseball or an average-sized fist: Measures about 1 cup
    • An appropriate portion size for raw or cooked vegetables, whole fruit or 100% fruit juice
  • A tennis ball or small, scooped handful: Measures about ½ cup
    • Equal to 1-ounce equivalent for grains, such as pasta, rice and oatmeal
  • A deck of cards or the palm of the hand: Measures about 3 ounce-equivalents
    • An appropriate portion size for fish, chicken, beef and other meats
  • The size of the thumb: Measures about 1 tablespoon
    • An appropriate portion size for peanut butter or other nut spreads such as almond butter 
  • A postage stamp or the tip of the pointer finger to the first joint: Measures about 1 teaspoon 
    • An appropriate portion size for oils or other fats

The 80/20 Rule: I suggest trying the 80/20 rule of eating, which means on most days you focus on eating whole foods. Then in moderation, you choose to eat something with more calories than you usually eat on other days. I do not consider this a “cheat meal” or “treat” because you are remaining mindful of your eating while enjoying something more indulgent. Our minds are always mindful of our wellness goals.

Eat Slower:Mindful Eating” is a technique of practicing being in tune with your body and its needs. Ask yourself before making food choice, “Does this serve me? Will eating it help me reach my health and wellness goals? This approach also encourages you to eat slower, from a plate not packaging, and engage in conversations at mealtimes. 

Stay Hydrated: Often, when we feel hungry, it’s the brain’s way of communicating to us a need for more water. Water suppresses appetite, helps us feel satiated faster by filling space in our belly and boost metabolic rate. Consider adding a squeeze of fresh citrus juices and herbs into your water for flavoring and digestive benefits.

Sleep More: The link between sleep and weight management is attributed mainly to hormones.  The production of hormones, leptin (satiety hormone) and ghrelin (appetite hormone), are impacted by how much or how little sleep a person gets per night. When you do not get enough sleep, your leptin levels tend to be low, and your ghrelin levels are high. This means you are likely to overeat as your appetite is stimulated and satiety is suppressed. Aim to get more sleep per night to help regulate hormone levels for better health and wellness outcomes.

Accountability Partners are Essential: People with at least one accountability partner are more likely to stay consistent in reaching their health goals. Together you all can discover new recipes, fun workouts and provide motivation to one another on tough days. It is also a great idea to get the whole family on board with eating nutritious foods. Typically, if children prepare meals, they are more likely to eat them.

Friends, food is not our enemy or “god”. Let us be free to nourish our bodies without fear and hold fast to the knowledge that our heavenly Father has made all things good!

In the comments below, share one tip that will be easy for your to incorporate into your life. Then, share another tip that will be more challenging for you to practice. Where will you start? 

Talancia (Tee) Pea is a certified Revelation Wellness Instructor (Platoon 17), NASM Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor. She enjoys playing at the beach and going on bike rides with her husband, Corey, and three children. Learn more about how Tee is creating an inclusive fitness community at www.every1moves.com.

Thank you for reading the Revelation Wellness Blog! Have you seen our webinar about “How to teach an online fitness class?” If you’re a fitness professional trying to navigate the pandemic, this webinar is for you! 

Workout with us in this #wednesdayworkout! For more workouts like this, visit RevWell TV

Michele’s Power Flow- God’s Promises

Take a few minutes to center in and sink down.  Your inner and outer strength will make peace with one another in this flexibility and mind-centering workout. (Romans 8:28, yoga mat)


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16 Responses

  1. Wow! This is a fast Answer to prayer! Thank you for your faith to share whole body mind heart Spirit & soul health with the world! God bless The lords ministry through you, in Jesus Christ’s mighty name, Amen.

    1. We’re so glad this blessed you, Lori! You’re in the right place to learn about Jesus-centered holistic health!

  2. I feel like my natural hunger cues are broken. Coming from years of disordered eating to weight lifting, which became “healthy” disordered eating, I don’t know how to truly view food in a “free” way.
    I used to view it as an area of superiority in myself, but God has been revealing how much bondage I’m in in this area. Thanks for the post!

    1. Thanks for sharing! Portion sizes are challenging for me also. Who can you ask to be an accountability partner?

  3. I’m working on sleep and hydration so I’d like to add try something new. One new meal or plant based item a week makes eating fun. Thank you for these practical tips.

  4. Stacey,
    I am right their with you. Same background Same fitness strugglE. I have been praying on this . I am no doubt much more free to manage my health anD wellness in a way That looks healthy and Well but am i truely fRee from the inNer battles or ties to the lies- not fulLy. It this a tension to be managed in our sin stricken bodies or does God have another level of freedom and dIscovery waiting for me and to push toward the something more. I see food as a source of fuel and energy. I struggle to enjoy it as a fellowship and commUnity aspect. Which tells me i am still strugGling with some control food issues lol

  5. I’ve learned manY of these tips over time. The portion control is the easiest for me, especially at home. getting my daughteR involved in the kitchen Is more challenging.

    1. Check out the hyperlinked post about how to get kids involved in the kitchen. You may find some helpful tips!

  6. What really stood out to me was that God’s word speaks of his plant bearing Foods, it reminds me that my body craves the unnatural foods that have no plants in them or seeds oh, that would be a huge help to intake more fruits and vegetables which would probably curved my craving for Junk. Eye openingn coach T !!!

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