Resources for a Healthy & Whole Marriage

Resources for a Healthy & Whole Marriage

We’re big believers in families and especially marriage! Your marriage is a powerful tool for the Kingdom, so it’s not surprising that it’s one of the enemy’s primary ways to attack us. 

While many things may come against your marriage, Jesus is for it. With your marriage in Jesus’ hands, you and your spouse don’t have to be another statistic. A cord of three strands, you can have a healthy and whole marriage. This is a great place to get started. 

This Marriage Guide provides articles, podcasts, printables, and other resources to help you and your spouse have a deeper marriage that glorifies God. 

Learn how to build a firm foundation on Christ, cultivate connection & intimacy, navigate challenges, deal with sexual sin, and more.  


Get away with your spouse with our Virtual Marriage Retreat.

Table of Contents

Building a Firm Foundation

Marriage devotional- keep God in the center

Keeping God in the Center of Your Marriage

As two very imperfect humans try to coexist and love each other well, there is bound to be hurt, disappointment, resentment, anger, sadness, and even hopelessness. There are needs or wants you wish your spouse would meet. There will be hopes and expectations missed. 

Without trying to, you can put a lot of pressure on your spouse to meet all your needs and satisfy all your desires. 

But, when you consistently get into God’s presence, you realize He is the Satisfier. He is your Great Comforter. He never breaks His promises. He is your Provider and Protector. He is all you have ever wanted and all you need.

Read the full blog post to learn how to keep God in the center of your marriage through any situation. 

blog steadfast love of marriage

Resting in the Steadfast Love of Marriage

Most marriages will go through a few fashion trends through the years. The world will change it’s mind about what is attractive and important.

A true spouse doesn’t have feelings that are swayed so easily. He loves you for so much more than the size of your jeans, even if the world says otherwise. 

Cultivating Connection in Your Marriage

20 Questions for Deeper Intimacy with Your Spouse

Tired of date nights spent talking about the kids and work? Looking for a deeper connection with your spouse? 

Spice up your next date night with these questions!

These 20 questions will help you and your spouse break free from the usual conversations and develop a deeper connection. You’ll come away from your night with deeper insight into your spouse’s (and your own) faith, needs, hopes, and heart. 

20 Questions Printable

Don’t settle for stale conversation. Cultivate deeper intimacy with your spouse using these questions on your next date night! 

Cultivating Intimacy in Your Marriage

intimacy in marriage- what is sex for?

What is sex in marriage for?

The world has very different views about most things the Word of God says. That is especially true for the topic of sex and sexuality. There is no sanctity in marriage or sex in the eyes of this world. The topic has become distorted, crass, humorous, and a joke. The act has become casual, disconnected, a pastime. The enemy has done his best to obtain a beautiful gift in lovely clean packaging and stomp on it. 

For there to be a change in my marriage, I had to clear my mind of what I thought I knew about intimacy. 

I had to learn, understand, and embrace what GOD had to say about intimacy in my marriage. 

Read the full blog post to learn four of the biblical purposes of sex in marriage. 

Don & Renee Worcester on An Honest Conversation about Sex

Join Alisa and Don & Renee as they dive into the hot topic of MARRIAGE! You guys have been asking for more on this topic, and we are excited about this honest conversation!

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, tea, or kombucha & listen to this much need conversation about the real struggles within our marriages today. 

Virtual Marriage Retreat

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Virtual Marriage Retreat

Reconnect is designed to refresh your marriage, and give you tools, hope, and a renewed sense of love for each other. Come as you are and get the time, space, and rest your marriage needs.

Navigating Challenges in Marriage


5 Ways to Grow Your Marriage in Hard Seasons

Intimacy between a husband and wife quickly gets squelched when stress and pressure feel like walls caving in. 

Lately we are all facing more stressful work pressure, unexpected changes of plans, and disappointing circumstances.

But as we lean into the power of Christ within us, we have the invitation to invest more intentionally in our marriage connection. And as we thoughtfully and purposefully sow good seeds in the soil of our marriage, we will see more fruit grow, even in difficult seasons. 

That’s the supernatural life we’re called to live through Christ.

marriage blog for long marriage

Short List for a Long Marriage

At the outset, Pete and I were among the least likely to be long-married. We’d wed shortly after high school; I was pregnant. In addition to our general immaturity and my immense insecurity, we were the classic “unequally yoked” couple (2 Cor. 6:14). Surely, we checked every box on the Marriages Doomed to Fail list.

Like every marriage, ours was severely tested in ways we couldn’t have predicted: dairy industry disruptions; farm disasters; extended family dynamics; my college and career journey; plus all the perils and pressures of raising a family. The fabric of our union was often frayed and sometimes unraveling. 

How did it happen we’d made it to this sweet season of fruition? Forty-plus years in, we’ve devised a short list of principles for the long haul – in marriage and in life.

Read the full blog post for the short list! 

Dealing with Sexual Sin in Marriage

freedom from lust

7 Tips for Addressing Lust

My marriage was almost sabotaged by lust. 

I had struggled with lustful thinking since I was a teen and had committed to keeping it hidden no matter the cost. My strict, conservative upbringing instilled in me a belief that it was better if no one ever knew because it would only lead to being shamed and shunned. Not only that, but I was a pastor and knew that if anyone found out I would be fired, and my wife could leave me.

But Father God, in His love for me, knew this could not continue. He allowed my wife to find evidence of my behavior, and I knew I was exposed. 

If you or someone you know struggles with lust, here are seven tips to help you fight for freedom. 

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